To paraphrase my mother, if Draisaitl jumped off a bridge, does that mean Scheifele should jump off a bridge, too? In truth, something I would actually pay to watch but I digress...
IOW, don't be holding them up as shining examples to be emulated. If Bergeron et al pull their weight at both ends, why shouldn't Scheifele? Especially for the money he will soon be making. Why should coaches have to worry about getting other players to cover up Scheifele's mistakes instead of just getting him to play defence? How many employers give performance reviews along the lines of, you fail at half your duties but that's OK, other workers can look after those things? And with each passing year, he's only going to get worse. But hey Jets, go ahead and lock up your pouty poster boy for the rest of his career. Makes life easier for me. As long as he's on the team, I feel completely unconflicted about my lack of support for my hometown team.