Maybe I'm misreading a bit but is anyone seeing a big phisophical disagreement between Stastny and Coach Lowry?
Paul praised coaches who call out their players and mentioned accountability. Said sometimes you get embarrassed but you get over it and in the end, positives come out of it. He cited Boudreau by name. Lowry seemed to fundamentally disagree with that (Paraphrasing) " we do it differently here" ( in terms of not calling out players in the media). I wonder if Lowry meant he thinks the Boudreaus and Trotzes of the world are just plain wrong or if he thinks our players just wouldn't respond well to those tactics?
If a player like Stastny is at odds with our Coaching mentality , to me that's just as alarming as what Schiefele said . If Stastny represents the right attitude and Schiefele the wrong attitude, AND both are at odds with our coaching culture , that signals allot of red flags in my view and is most concerning