Of course it's impossible because there are too many people like you who think that there should be some kind of concensus found. And the concensus should of course be based on your opinion. When people have very different opinions from your own and your preferred concensus opinion, your kind starts mocking how low class the discussion is, and how some people can't be taken seriously. Well, I for sure can't take seriously your concensus kind. Let there be opinions without bashing the top prospect in his own thread. And don't attack Laine or his fans who really believe much more in his talent than some others over here. Time will tell how good he will become - not you, not me or anyone else can define that now.
What I do know is that Laine's pre-draft season is second to none, and I'm almost sure that he will become an NHL star. How great he can become no one knows. I really hope people would stop defining so much what top prospects can become. I bet anyone who would have claimed during their pre-draft season's that Lidström, Zetterberg or Benn would have become the class of players they became, the claimer would have been called at these boards as an idiot and completely lost person.
Some of the people here are really so irritatingly inside so small boxes, I have never understood the need for this kind of thinking. But sure everyone has their right to be whatever they are, as long as they don't harm others,