Registered User
I in fact see the situation in the way that we have a few pathetic Finns whom are butt kissing the North Americans as hard as they can. Probably wannabe Americans with the typical low Finnish self esteem. And envious of very well doing young Finnish country mates. These posters are in fact the minority in the Finnish hockey fans, but they think that they are somehow the majority. Thank God that is not the truth though. But I at least am ashamed of these kind of posters specifically.
This is a very real thing unfortunately. Happy that someone else recognized it too. The apologetic herd who get told their opinions by what they think is concensus. The "Laine will never be as good as X" who completely fail to understand that hockey like everything else is always evolving and that there will be better players than the greats of today and yesteryear.
There is no reason not to think that Laine ceiling is possibly up there with these greats. He is one of the best 18 year olds ever judging by his tools and his season, why do people need to downplay that and act like he's not on a path to become a special player?
Laine is a better player at 18 than for example Ovechkin was. It is a realistic projection that his ceiling could match or surpass Ovys prime.
Nobody should feel ashamed for stating facts in fear of some ignorant posters replying with ridicule. Just because they don't have proper context and knowledge (especially these fools with their NHL-e arguments read from some idiotic article )doesn't mean you have to side with them and pretend their opinion is valuable. It isn't, it's ignorance.
Some Finns have always shown this apologetic inferiority complex when it comes to their countrymen. It's like they are ashamed of where they are from and by default everything is bigger and better elsewhere despite how much the evidence is against that claim. Wannabes is a great term for these weak fools.
I am not ashamed of them, they are just a sad bunch who don't represent me in any way.