I don't know...Terrible PP. Lost in OT. And after a blip in the season we're still:
1st in the division
5th? in the league
Campbell's 11-2-1 with a 2.24//919 sv%.
Set an NHL record.
Matthews is the NHL's leading goal scorer.
He and Marner are tied for 4th in points overall.
But you'd never know it from the conversations lately. And it reminds me of any number of slumps some of our better teams and players played through. Today, Sundin is (rightly) a legend and almost always spoken of in glowing terms. But oh boy, did he go on a cooler one season lasting a lot longer than say, Jack Campbell's last couple of games.
Starting with Jack, I'll say something positive to the present contrary: He's going to be fine. He isn't going to be the victim of a few games in which he didn't continue a historically impossible pace. At some points, the "realism" that our fan base passes off as concern really has to give way to informed cautious observation. We create an untenable environment that the media feeds off and collectively we contribute in negative ways I'm not sure many other bases do.
Is it ever just ok for us to pause alarmist reactions during good seasons' slumps even if only as a once in a lifetime experiment to see if there's a different effect on the outcome? And funny enough, stats above likely don't matter because we've experienced a slump. They don't support the everlasting preferred narrative.
Maybe it's a just a slump and maybe we're better than the slump. I think the stats convey that but I suspect all that matters is being able to vent in a way that demonstrates offense taken and thus "concern". If I can veer away from the crowd for the moment, I'm happy as a pig in shit with some of the stats and pretty excited about the possibilities with this group, native and newly acquired.
Perhaps Saultegate was one giant mirror few of us were able to look into.