who knows what gripes these "superstar" players have with their own franchise. but one thing is for sure and it's that they absolutely DO have gripes about something with the team that employs them (the Leafs)
When players of this calibre (Matthews, Marner, etc) intentionally do not show up for these types of games, what they are saying is "screw this team", "screw this franchise", "screw these fans"... anyone who doubts this is delusional. These players do NOT like their team or the city they are playing for, and this is proven to us by their lack of performances in all of these important game. Why don't they like Toronto? Is it because of what fans say on social media? The way upper management in Toronto conducts their business and policies towards the players? Or because some of them (like Matthews) have zero connection to this city so it means very little to them? Only they know. It's not for us to know. But we DO know that they are not showing up for these games, and it's clearly evident in not only their lack of performance but more importantly their lack of effort - THAT is easy to see. It's easy to see when someone is going through the motions just to make it to the end of the night. If these guys showed effort, then maybe we think differently. But there is NO effort, and that is when it becomes intentional. Maybe they're sulking? Or they just don't like Toronto. Woudn't be the first bunch of guys, because this goes way back almost 10 years now with different rosters of players who all seem to sabotage this franchise when it matters. There's something that players do not like about playing here, that's the one pattern that has emerged this past decade. And it's not just Toronto, plenty of other cities have the same problem with players not enjoying their time in those places. T.O. just happens to be one of those places, where hockey players decide to screw their team and the fans for whatever reason. They didn't just "unfortunately" lose this series - they lost it because they either did it intentionally or just didn't care whether they won or lost it. I'll go with the latter to be safe.
When these players don't give a sh-t, and that was finally proven tonight, then why do the fans? lol... come on, wake up people...