Jesse, I appreciate you coming on here and bantering at times with us diehards.
My pleasure. It's how I started... it's probably how I'll finish.
I have a few questions regarding your frustration with others' (and our) interpretation of the the Kings cap situation:
(1) What is the truth about the Kings present cap situation that you think we and others don't presently know or understand? What is the Kings present cap number?
I'll try and be brief. (spoiler alert: I failed)
The Hockey Guy said $1.5 (more or less) in Cap Space
that number is pulled from CapFriendly and is for a Kings team with 15 forwards and 5 defenseman
There are still two players without contracts that will presumably make the LA Kings roster to start the season that aren't factored in (Anderson/Durzi) AND that number assumes that Moverare, Spence, Bjornfot, Lias Andersson, Vilardi AND Kupari are all on the team.
There is no "current cap number" because we have no idea who's actually making the team or how much Anderson and Durzi will wind up signing for.
It's an entirely meaningless conversation at the moment. HOWEVER IF YOU MUST...
THAT roster gives the Kings $6,428,333 in cap space and presumably a need to
- sign Anderson
- sign Durzi
- add no more than three additional players from the following pool
Bjornfot, Moverare, Spence, Clarke, Vilardi, Andersson, Kupari, Anderson Dolan
The 12 F and 4 D I listed above are, in my mind, non-negotiable primarily because of their contracts and the fact that they were all recently signed.
I just can't see a world where the Kings give Lemieux or Grundstrom an extension of $1M+ and then immediately send them to Ontario but I suppose it's theoretically possible.
(2) How are we supposed to know what we don't know unless someone(s) who do know, (i.e., Kings management or any media representative) educate us?
You DON'T! I like to think that I don't get mad at people for their opinions or lack of knowledge.
If Johnny Utah thinks the team needs to get tougher and I disagree... well hey we disagree! But it's subjective so he's not pissing me off with that take. That's his opinion and he's entitled to it!
BUT if someone gets up on a soapbox and says "LISTEN TO ME MY AUDIENCE FOR I SHALL TELL YOU MY THOUGHTS!" and then that person gets a bunch of stuff wrong? And it's stuff that's easily researched?
That's when I get annoyed.
I probably shouldn't...
(3) Is it true, as the You Tube guy referenced above and us diehards communicate, that the Kings don't presently have much cap room? If so, isn't that what we are all communicating about? Are we expected to know all the ins and outs if they are never communicated to us (see 2 above)?
The Kings have very little cap space.
The way I see it... they probably have about $4M in cap space to re-sign Anderson and Durzi.
(4) Aren't we just smart guys and gals who love the Kings and are just taking the data before us as best we know it and trying to discuss how we might play it under those circumstances?
Generally speaking I don't harbor any ill will towards any fan that's just trying to have a fun time talking to other fans about the teams they love. It's a complicated industry and even people that know it well and work in it every day don't fully understand it.
A member of the Kings front office staff answered an email of mine last season when I asked about a mundane detail of contract status and included an epilogue that basically said
"None of what I just told you is written down anywhere. It's not an actual rule it's just what everybody agrees is how things are done"
I'm paraphrasing but that's what we're dealing with.
Hell I downloaded the CBA to try and find some stuff out for myself and near as I can tell the ONLY place the CBA makes any distinction between forward and defense is in the "Post Trade Deadline Emergency Recall" section. Other than that... there doesn't seem to be any kind of legal or contractual difference.
What really grinds MY gears (said in best Peter Griffin voice) is when people misrepresent the data (intentionally or not) or represent the data in a way that was not intended.
For example... people that would use individual game corsi scores as evidence that one player out performed another.... NOT how Corsi was designed to be used and not a terribly meaningful application of the metric. So don't do it OR if you are going to do it... DON'T make it sound like you're saying something profound.
OK... enough moralizing out of me.
All of this is just my ego and grumpiness anyway. Feel free to ignore all of it.
Comment: Boomer Gordon and Jake Hahn on Sirius NHL Network are incredibly well informed across the NHL and are a joy to listen to. Boomer gave Blake a 'B' rating (A-F, like school) for this past year.
I don't listen so I can't comment but I will say that with 32 teams in the league it seems unlikely to me that any one human being could be "well informed" about more than 1 or mayyybe 2.
I work for the Kings, I watch the Kings, I think about the Kings constantly, I host the pregame radio show, I host the teams podcast, I talk to the PR staff, the front office staff, the coaching staff, I attend every home game, every practice, every camp..... ETC ETC ETC
and I'm uncomfortable calling myself "well informed" about the LA Kings.
SO that's the kind of highbar we're working with when you ask me why I get grumpy about stuff.
I'm just a lunatic. What can I tell ya?