Speculation: LA Kings News, Rumors, Roster Thread 2022-23 Season

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Registered User
Jul 1, 2004
Its so much bigger than goaltending or tinkering trades. The entire focus of the organization is just hapless. There is no way that what they are trying to do can work, its not about individual players or games. Don't get lost in games won or lost if you truly care about the team, anybody can sign or trade for players that can win more games than they lose, but that isn't what makes for a successful organization, it makes for a scrambled one that gets mired in that same muck for years.

The Kings haven't improved one single, lousy bit under Rob Blake. Still no leadership, no cohesive plan, no grit or backbone. Its such a mess.
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Enjoy the chaos
Jul 1, 2003
Christ on a cracker, that right there just confirms everything we have been bitching about over the past few years. And those kids have every damn right to be concerned. Everybody wants to play, but there are several kids who are most definitely better than the clowns who 80% it up in the NHL on a nightly basis.

Why anybody who has ever played a game could think that you can build a roster that blocks out the profits of a rebuild with 7 offensive wingers and 5 RHDs with an ANCIENT leadership group, no size, no board play, and no crease control is absolutely asinine.

Blake HAD to know that wouldn't work, but then again, he was supposed to know that Phanuef and Kovalchuk wouldn't work. He has better resources to his left and right, but no, he has to try and sustain and build on the corpse of a success that died 8 years ago.

Imagine that? No success whatsoever in 8 years and you still have the same #1 C, D and G AND you defer to their bitching to buy a bunch of mediocrity that keeps some of the best pure talent at your disposal at the kiddie table.

Bjornfot and Spence should be the team's 2nd pairing right now. I would be furious if I were either of those two.
And this smug "tough ****, gotta wait, because this is your best chance and we have the power" attitude would be one thing if the prospects were struggling or if the vets were playing well, but neither is happening here.

But the Kings are going to lose good players for nothing in order to keep lesser qualities on the roster.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2013
Varlamov would make a lot of sense for the Kings, however, they need to figure out a way to get rid of Petersen's contract, which seems implausible right now.
I've been saying for months now that Semen Varly would be a perfect fit for us.

Launch Petersen into orbit.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2004
And this smug "tough ****, gotta wait, because this is your best chance and we have the power" attitude would be one thing if the prospects were struggling or if the vets were playing well, but neither is happening here.

But the Kings are going to lose good players for nothing in order to keep lesser qualities on the roster.
And those kids are getting AHL money while their lessers are making 10x (and more) what they are while they wait their turn behind the shit shows on display. They practice at the same facilities, they live together, but an artifical glass ceiling set so damn low that everybody is hunched over like that 1/2 floor in Being John Malkovich is causing a disruption in the organization.

And it is all 100% on Rob Blake. Amateurs like us have been warning about this for years and years, and now the NHL coach comments on it publicly as it has become reality. Its just pathetic.

Master Yoda

LA Legends
Aug 6, 2003
El Paso
Pretty shocked that TMac would say that publicly.

I guess it's not a surprise some guys are feeling this way. I mean they have eyes too and probably watching Kings D shitting the bed.
And forward prospects not seeing a roster spot opening up.

I was fine with Blake sending waiver exempt guys down to start the season to buy time, but we're now 25 games in and nothings changed in terms of the roster.
He's got to start making moves to clear the log jam, especially at RD.

Schrute farms

LA Kings: new GM wanted -- inquire within
Jul 7, 2020
I think to say the team and franchise has not improved under Blake is a bit being a prisoner of the moment. Last year was a huge improvement and going to a 7 games series. Especially considering the crazy amount of D injuries.

But that's not really something to be sooo proud of honestly. The prior years rebuilding were crap. It's pretty easy to improve. further, the West is crap and has been the past couple years.

So i understand the thinking and I kind of feel similar. What Blake has done is simply gather assets via trades during the rebuild and making draft picks. Then two solid moves with a FA signing (PD) and getting a young winger (Fiala). But overall, he's just a captain of a boat that is sailing along by the wind. I totally agree that there is no true direction and team identity. Even just seeing certain team needs (beyond the Fiala move) and addressing them -- it's nonexistant. We've all seen the need for size, toughness, LHD, G -- nope. Just cruise along. At some point, you need to do address issues. You need to figure out what the team identy will be. You need to have a gameplan. It seems the game plan is simply get a bunch of young players and it'll all work itself out. I almost think that Blake is so excited to keep icing Roy/Walker and eventually be able to build their value into a TDL deal for another 2nd round pick. Oh yeah! SMH.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2004
Jesse has a mayoral smugness sometimes. It’s obnoxious.

You have no idea how lucky we are to hear what he posted. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite him if the uppers decide its more important to prevent criticism than make changes.

And it was much better to wait and link the show than add an editorial view. Probably the best bit of reporting we have seen here since Lombardi actually took interviews. Important content that deserves to be heard


F-ing get up and hunt! Cmon Todd!
Apr 18, 2018
Its so much bigger than goaltending or tinkering trades. The entire focus of the organization is just hapless. There is no way that what they are trying to do can work, its not about individual players or games. Don't get lost in games won or lost if you truly care about the team, anybody can sign or trade for players that can win more games than they lose, but that isn't what makes for a successful organization, it makes for a scrambled one that gets mired in that same muck for years.

The Kings haven't improved one single, lousy bit under Rob Blake. Still no leadership, no cohesive plan, no grit or backbone. Its such a mess.
100%... DL came in after having learned a lot of lessons GMing in SJ... and he really was a very strong leader w a clear philosophy that permeated the entire organization...he also was in lock step with Liewike on the rebuild and the timeline.. that very rarely happens..e.g. Toronto where the pressure to make things happen in short order always seems to undermine their approach. The 8,11,32 legacy/construct is also in the way.. ie making moves to try to contend based on expiring value in those 3. Where it stands today is confusion - no one is in a position to succeed because the organizational charter/vision is fractured and uncoordinated... its it a rebuild or contend, both, neither or what. e.g. what is Walker's purpose on the roster when he has no future with the club and you have a LD (which is needed) with 2 years of experience marinating in the O or a better RD option in Spence. The handling of Clarke is also weird - if you are going to sit on your hands, just send back to Barrie and get it over with.. honestly Id rather kids stay away from the NHL squad.. they will just get dicked around.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2004
I think to say the team and franchise has not improved under Blake is a bit being a prisoner of the moment. Last year was a huge improvement and going to a 7 games series. Especially considering the crazy amount of D injuries.

But that's not really something to be sooo proud of honestly. The prior years rebuilding were crap. It's pretty easy to improve. further, the West is crap and has been the past couple years.

So i understand the thinking and I kind of feel similar. What Blake has done is simply gather assets via trades during the rebuild and making draft picks. Then two solid moves with a FA signing (PD) and getting a young winger (Fiala). But overall, he's just a captain of a boat that is sailing along by the wind. I totally agree that there is no true direction and team identity. Even just seeing certain team needs (beyond the Fiala move) and addressing them -- it's nonexistant. We've all seen the need for size, toughness, LHD, G -- nope. Just cruise along. At some point, you need to do address issues. You need to figure out what the team identy will be. You need to have a gameplan. It seems the game plan is simply get a bunch of young players and it'll all work itself out. I almost think that Blake is so excited to keep icing Roy/Walker and eventually be able to build their value into a TDL deal for another 2nd round pick. Oh yeah! SMH.

They didn't make the playoffs organically due to growth within the organization, they bought a 2nd line that while all quality, admirable players, only served to push REAL progress down while still icing a team that couldn't win a round against a weak opponent.

It was one step to the side, one step backwards.
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Dec 4, 2003
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If you're trying to figure out what the Kings should do with their roster, for me it takes a lot of anxiety away if I assume the obvious road blocks will be there. If that means the team is crap, then the team is crap. It is what it is.

We all know Petersen has been terrible. Assume nobody else wants him for the same reason. We know not many 1 way contracts, especially significant ones, are in the AHL. That includea all other 31 teams, so its the entire possible sample size to go on. The league even made a rule so that you can't simply bury those types of contracts. Until proven otherwise, always assume a guy in Petersen's current situation isn't going very far. The hard cap is fairly unforgiving if you mess up contracts, so you likely have to live with your mistake, one way or another.

Would they buy him out after the season? Kind of a crappy buyout for next year, but the year after that is pretty sweet.

I know that's a bad way to look at things, and it's better to wake up each day and wonder why the Kings haven't gotten rid of him or Walker yet. If you ask yourself if you would trade for Petersen or Walker, and your own answer is no, then wonder no more.
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Fly at eleven.
Feb 2, 2010
Trying to figure out how to shake up the roster a bit.

* Petersen and Walker to waivers (they'll clear) then Ontario
* Trade Kempe for a good LHD with size (sucks but you've got to give to get), if you can't find a deal call up Björnfot
* Call up Copley
* Let Spence and Durzi compete for Walker's spot on the right side, starting with Spence
I'm on the fence about calling up Byfield, I think long term it might be best if he stays in Ontario for a while to get his scoring confidence up.


Registered User
May 6, 2012

This organization is so lost. Rob Blake is not an NHL caliber general manager.

What a mistake ownership made so swiftly kicking Lombardi to the curb. Blake and Luc are precisely the disasters some of us always feared, naive, arrogant, inexperienced do-nothings with no plan and no insight. Just aimless wanderers, collecting prospects like Pokemon cards and making random trades because "good player available."

Blake has had SIX years to turn this franchise around. SIX. In Lombardi's sixth year, he was lifting the Stanley Cup. No, Blake didn't have the luxury of inheriting Kopitar, Brown, and Quick. But it was Lombardi's organizational overhaul and vision that allowed these prospects to blossom. Where would a young Brown be under Blake and Todd's backwards system? Playing 5-8 minutes a night like Kaliyev? Would Quick even be identified in this system? Or would we still be starting our stalwart veterans, Cloutier and Garon?

Blake has drafted 2nd overall and 5th overall, and hit big on a high risk high reward 11th overall in Vilardi. He has made trades. He has made free agent signings. He bought an entire mercenary line. And this team is no better today than it was in the summer of 2017.

Rob Blake is the brain rot in this organization.


Registered User
Jul 15, 2003
I bet Spence, Clarke, and Fagemo had a great morale boost sitting and watching the lack of discipline and structure everyone else gets away with.

At least they were paid well for it! Free food at the area was also provided, undoubtedly.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2011
Trying to figure out how to shake up the roster a bit.

* Petersen and Walker to waivers (they'll clear) then Ontario
* Trade Kempe for a good LHD with size (sucks but you've got to give to get), if you can't find a deal call up Björnfot
* Call up Copley
* Let Spence and Durzi compete for Walker's spot on the right side, starting with Spence
I'm on the fence about calling up Byfield, I think long term it might be best if he stays in Ontario for a while to get his scoring confidence up.
Copley is not the answer for Kings.
I have watched all Reign games this season and he is just ok
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Fly at eleven.
Feb 2, 2010
Copley is not the answer for Kings.
I have watched all Reign games this season and he is just ok
I mean he's clearly not a savior but a goalie that's "just ok" is better than what we're dealing with now.

I think finding a good goalie on the trade market right now would probably be challenging, to say the least. So either they stick with the guys who aren't getting it done or they try to shake things up. It might get the team to start playing some actual defense.


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Dec 4, 2003
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They didn't make the playoffs organically due to growth within the organization, they bought a 2nd line that while all quality, admirable players, only served to push REAL progress down while still icing a team that couldn't win a round against a weak opponent.

It was one step to the side, one step backwards.

And now Vilardi and Kaliyev are two of the more productive players on the team.

I know me and you vehemently disagree with each other, a lot, or at least we seem to, but my only real contention with any of your analysis is how you seem to think you already know the future.

You'll say well those two are putting up some points in spite of whatever is being done, but if they were playing poorly, that would be due to what's being done.

You'd say last year 100% hurt the franchise. I would say we don't know that yet. Then we'd go on to insult each other.
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Registered User
Mar 12, 2017
I apologize for insulting you for sharing that quote from the coach. I’ll keep my criticism’s civil from here on out.

After listening, I’m a little surprised you publicized the full audio. I’m also a little surprised the coach put something like that on the record. And he spoke for the AHL coach. That’s a huge pull.

As a fan, you’ve got to hope someone like Rosen digs into the story.
yeah i'm kinda with you on this one, i clicked that with my "f*** you todd" blinders on but i feel like he was actually kinda digging at blake there, maybe just being honest which comes off as a dig

i'm not a fan of the defaulting to "as an AHLer it's your job to make them make hard decisions" shit though, because yeah, no one in this org is making those hard decisions so maybe they WILL only be able to make someone make that decision elsewhere. just passing the buck on that one doesn't really help anyone if you're aware of the problem but trusting that someone else will take care of it


Registered User
Feb 1, 2011
I mean he's clearly not a savior but a goalie that's "just ok" is better than what we're dealing with now.

I think finding a good goalie on the trade market right now would probably be challenging, to say the least. So either they stick with the guys who aren't getting it done or they try to shake things up. It might get the team to start playing some actual defense.
In my opinion just ok goalie will work for team with good D.

It will not work for LA.
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F-ing get up and hunt! Cmon Todd!
Apr 18, 2018
Copley is not the answer for Kings.
I have watched all Reign games this season and he is just ok
Yes any roster moves are just rearranging the deck chairs on the lusitania. Id say stand pat and let the slow motion trainwreck unfold and hopefully lead to a lottery pick.

Master Yoda

LA Legends
Aug 6, 2003
El Paso
yeah i'm kinda with you on this one, i clicked that with my "f*** you todd" blinders on but i feel like he was actually kinda digging at blake there, maybe just being honest which comes off as a dig

i'm not a fan of the defaulting to "as an AHLer it's your job to make them make hard decisions" shit though, because yeah, no one in this org is making those hard decisions so maybe they WILL only be able to make someone make that decision elsewhere. just passing the buck on that one doesn't really help anyone if you're aware of the problem but trusting that someone else will take care of it
The other problem with the default "make the decision hard for them" speech is that right now, Blake is not making decisions based on performance.
They sent down all the guys with waiver exemptions.
Again, I'm fine with that decision so they can buy some more time to make moves, but more than 1/4 of the season has passed and nothing a single move has been made.
Guys are understandingly getting frustrated.
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