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I supported a Dubas return before the playoffs and tended to slightly want to keep the status quo after Florida because he represented managerial continuity over the summer and could get into re-signing the big contracts coming up vs having to conduct a GM search like we are having now or having more uncertainty than necessary...
But when the GM himself starts throwing curveballs in a moment of uncertainty and looks to be making political moves vs his boss, that promise of stability goes away pretty quick.
You could make the argument of whether the team is better off with a President and GM Dubas vs President Shanahan and GM X, that would be a separate conversation. And honestly, no one really knows how collaborative their relationship was this whole time.
That was my point the short-term extension based on continuity and look of stability. It sounds like he had very little power with the position needing both President and board approval.
ie, He was simply their puppet and now that the news of Dubas trying to change the power structure and reporting stream confirms GM position in title only. Shanny is really the President and acting GM and Kyle his assistant that does all the busy and leg and phone work sorting through the grunt work, and then only passing upwards any decisions worth higher authority and consideration.
However when the person you agree to keep it stable looking, is the one going off the rails with an unprecedented press conference airing dirty laundry and showing weakness of being overwhelmed by the pressure and stress of the GM job you really have little to lose cutting the stings. IMO
In fact cutting him loose demonstrated more concern to show MLSE stability league wide in upper management, and counteracting the comments made during the presser that was displaying weakness.
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