Kris King's Ghost
Pretty much what I envision would be the way. Except obviously not with Krebs in mind. For me, it would have to be a Newhook at a minimum. Or a Zegras.
Too many moving pieces still. That doesn't account for a guy like Boldy possibly being the falling piece. Would they really pass on him to take a center like Krebs? And if they do take Boldy, does that throw the whole equation off as now you still need to get that center?
Boldy is in the unknown category for me. I haven't heard anything one way or the other on him. But to your specific question, if I had to guess, I think they would pass on Boldy for Krebs. But that's only me speculating because I think they're particularly high on Krebs.
Now, let's say they love Boldy and he's a guy they take. I don't know if it changes the equation much because you're already looking at a scenario that includes Chytil and Andersson being in the mix. So while it might change who gets a longer look at the wing, or even when they get a look at the wing, I don't know if it impacts the overall approach. I think taking a center increases the odds that both Chytil and Andersson get longer looks on the wing, but I don't think that concept is completely dependent on them taking a center. If go with the Craig's List scenario, and we swap Zegras/Newhook/Krebs for Cozens, it's very possible Cozens is a guy who gets looks at both center and the wing. Technically, that's not out of line for Zegras. Krebs, or Newhook either based on where they've played. So there's still a lot of flexibility there. There's just a bit more if the pick is a C/W as opposed to just a W.