I wouldn’t have said this last year, but right now Battaglia in my opinion has improved so much I can see him being drafted well ahead of Frasca. Frasca seems very slow to me right now, most of the time I don’t even realize he’s on the ice when it’s 5 on 5. Now on the PP and 3 on 3, he’s been exceptional, he’s a smart player that can shoot the puck and find positioning but he also needs lots of room on the ice to be effective.
l’m not the biggest fan of Battaglia‘s softness, he’s had a lot of smaller guys push him around this season and he has given in each time. To me that’s his glaring flaw along with trying to do too much at times instead of making the simple pass. I‘m not worried about his skating, he’s big and will figure it out as he matures. I would like though to see him drop his gloves just once when getting pushed around otherwise players on other teams will know they can go after him hard with no repercussions and I see that happening more and more now that he’s getting more points. I’m not saying he needs to start being a fighter, just the opposite, by sticking up for himself or his team mates when needed, players will respect him more and think twice about taking him on. Just don’t take on a player who will rag doll you lol.
Battaglia looked great at camp and in pre-season, than Caputi knocked him down, Mann fixed that day 1 and Battaglia has played with a lot of confidence since.