I can't speak for the OP, but if I had to guess, I'd say the part about you basiing all of the Kings success on luck would kinda sum up the ignorance of your post.
Your schtick is old, dude...you need a new act. I know you have a few groupies on here that got their noses shoved up your butt, but I can't imagine that the majority of people who post on here find you to be even remotely intelligent or interesting with the crap you spew.
Which part of what I said was wrong and why was it wrong? I know it’s hard for you to qualify your opinions but I insist, if almost everyone is wrong , then what makes you right ? Can you lay it out for me?
Respond to the post and break it down for me.
I genuinely don’t know how you can look at this team with the failures in forward star power and think this was a good year. I’d be happier if the Kings missed the playoffs and the prospects looked good in forward.
The only legitimate observation is that this year was an anomaly. Kopitar will continue to get worse and it looks very likely that prospects won’t get that much better to offset anything.
Unless for some reason you saw star potential in the forwards for some bizarre reason that many others aren’t.
Decent amount of you guys are looking at this season without any context. They made it to the playoffs but no one is thinking about what made them get there.
Similarly the same people who saw game 1 Kopitar getting a ton of ice time and getting a W thinking that the context of the win was working Kopitar to death. And then he looked shit most of the series.
Look at the context, not the result. Anomalies are anomalies but context will provide a better understanding of the future outcomes.
And also, I don’t see Kempe being as good next season as he was this season.he had an anomalous year. Kopitar is only going to get worse. What are we looking at exactly? Be realistic.
Did anyone in their right minds think that William Karlsson randomly broke out into a prolific goal scorer in one season? No. There was nothing to suggest that he would retain that new found glory. His career suggested that he’d come down to earth and boy he did.
Kings were lucky this season. The only way the Kings do better next season is if Blake fires the entire staff and gets Trotz. Better special teams will win more games, and better development team for the prospects will be huge however there’s nothing to indicate that anyone will be losing their job.