The Jets aren't going to keep him as a rental, so if he wants out of Winnipeg, signing a cheap offer-sheet the Jets would be forced to match would be the dumbest f***ing thing imaginable.
And all of this has to do with PLD's post draft seasons, how?
Well one does not have to sign an offer sheet. They only have to make it clear that they are willing to sign one that is on the table. Conversation goes like this
Kevin C-- Picks up the phone seeing it's the number of PLDs agent and says Hello
PLDs agent---- Good afternoon Kevin I hope all is well for you.
Kevin C--- Not to bad. Doing a lot of player reviews and talking to other GMs today
PLDs agent---Wonderful
Kevin C-- What can I do for today?
PLDs agent-- I want to talk to you about PLD and the Habs
Kevin C -- Go ahead
PLDs agent-- The Habs have offered PLD a contract that he is willing to accept and I don't think you are going to happy about.
Kevin C-- Oh dear. Give me the details
PLDs agent-- $2.1 million
Kevin C--- Why so low?
PLDs agent--- They don't want to give up a potential early first round pick next year along with the Suzuki hard internal cap. They don't have their own second round pick unless they reaquire from Ariz. So they are going with the third round compensation numbers as the option. Now Hughes would rather not go this root and would rather do a trade involving contracts off the roster and perhaps something on the bigger side.
Kevin C---So my options are.
1- Match. Here I would keep a roster player and save some money next year. The down side would be I would have unhappy player with a history that I cannot trade.
2--Trade him before he signs to a team at a discount who are willing to take on the risks
3- Work out deal with the Habs to salvage the best deal I can get