Registered User
That's not even a good comparison. They're still the Detroit Red Wings, the NY Rangers, etc. They aren't the Detroit Chrysler Red Wings or the NY Chase Bank Rangers. Good try, though.This is exactly what a shill would say.
Adidas is the manufacturer of the jerseys so why wouldn't they have their logo on it? I have Yamaha drums not Yamaha McDonalds drums. There is a crystal clear difference to anyone with common sense. Guitar companies make Gibson Les Pauls and Fender Strats, not Gibson Chrysler TD Canada Trust Les Paul's and Fender Nestlé Lululemon Strats. Those guitars would be far less collectable and would also look like crap.
Adidas makes the jersey and then a team puts their logo on it. Milk and RBC do not have a factories that make the jerseys and selling out to companies like that only stands to dilute the meaning of the team logos and what people cheer for.
You clearly haven't put very much thought into your "DURRRRR's."
The shills are working very hard trying to justify this trash.
I'm no shill, I'm just smart enough to understand that teams want as many revenue streams as they can get...PLUS I'm smart enough to understand this isn't going to affect my enjoyment of watching games nor will it affect how my team plays. They put ads on the helmets, everyone got pissed, and what happened? Nothing.
There's a small handful of soft people who are going to stop watching, and who wins in that scenario? Not them. Imagine willingly not watching prime McDavid or Makar or whoever just because they have a logo on their chest that you'll barely pay any attention to, anyway. Do you scream into the void about the ads on the boards or the corporate name on every arena?
If this is a big deal to you, go take a walk or take a deep breath or something. Christ, you can still buy jerseys without the ads on them.
This is just something for people like you to use to be mad online. Waste of time.