Confirmed with Link: Jeff Skinner -- Bought Out 6/29/24


Welcome Taylor
Jun 24, 2018
Someone start giving Skinner different materials in his gear. If he starts now, he can develop that "allergy" to his equipment before the end of the contract.

Or does that "allergy" come on immediately? I forget...

Nah, he's not going to be nearly as old as Hossa at the end of the contract.

They really do need to look into that issue though, see of Hossa is actually allergic to only making 1M a year.


May 28, 2012
So what happens to the built up extra cap value in the “out years”?

Nothing. The current CBA set outer limits on term and how much teams could front-load. Either you're compliant with that and fine, or you're not and you don't actually have a contract. The recapture penalty was just to punish teams who signed ridiculously long front-loaded contracts under the last CBA, e.g., Shea Weber, who signed a 14-year contract in which he earned $14M in cash in each of the first 4 years and winds down to $1M in each of the last 3. It's a little bit nonsensical since those contracts were perfectly legal when signed, but the idea is to punish cash-rich teams artificially depressing their players' cap hits by tacking on nothing years that the players don't actually play.

Jim Bob

Feb 27, 2002
Rochester, NY
I doubt Skinner retires to save the Sabres if this deal becomes a boat anchor towards the end of it.

I think Berglund doing Botts a solid and walking away has people getting their hopes up.

He has a NMC, so it's not like the Sabres even have the option of sending him to the AHL like they did with Moulson.
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
No player has left money on the table at age 35 unless they had a legit injury. Even then they get paid on LTIR instead of retiring. Skinner will see this through on our team or someone else’s.


Registered User
Jun 22, 2015
Nah, he's not going to be nearly as old as Hossa at the end of the contract.

They really do need to look into that issue though, see of Hossa is actually allergic to only making 1M a year.
Hossa was not faking.

The Athletic has an amazing interview with Hossa where he details what he went through.

If you have a subscription, here’s the link -

'Body says you have to stop': Marian Hossa speaks about the...

“.....But during the 2016-17 season, he didn’t care what people thought. The eczema was the worst it had ever been. It covered the front and back of his body. It leaked pus. It bled. It ended up on his bedsheets.

“After the yellow and then the blood and then after it, everything is all over,” Hossa said. “The wife washing the sheets all the time. She’s not happy too. So there’s different things. It didn’t just affect my hockey life, but my life away from hockey. I said I think this is putting to a different level where this is not right.”

Hossa tried so many different things to minimize the effects. Even if it was a long shot, he was willing to give it a try.....

.....When Hossa returned to Chicago from the tournament, he went to see another specialist. This one recommended taking Cyclosporine, an immunosuppressive drug.

“That’s how I survived the year,” Hossa said.

The medication would also spell the end of his career.....

....The drug can be so dangerous the FDA has given it a black box warning. Some of the possible side effects include an increased risk of serious infections, higher blood pressure, kidney disease, tumor and skin cancer. Hossa went to Northwestern Memorial Hospital for testing every two weeks.

And here’s a summary on a free site (though it’s nowhere near as good as the Athletic article, and doesn’t do nearly as good a job conveying what he went through)

Marian Hossa Opens Up About Skin Condition Forcing Him to Retire

After I read what this guy went through, i’ll never again question him retiring.
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Welcome Taylor
Jun 24, 2018
Hossa was not faking.

The Athletic has an amazing interview with Hossa where he details what he went through.

If you have a subscription, here’s the link -

'Body says you have to stop': Marian Hossa speaks about the...

“.....But during the 2016-17 season, he didn’t care what people thought. The eczema was the worst it had ever been. It covered the front and back of his body. It leaked pus. It bled. It ended up on his bedsheets.

“After the yellow and then the blood and then after it, everything is all over,” Hossa said. “The wife washing the sheets all the time. She’s not happy too. So there’s different things. It didn’t just affect my hockey life, but my life away from hockey. I said I think this is putting to a different level where this is not right.”

Hossa tried so many different things to minimize the effects. Even if it was a long shot, he was willing to give it a try.....

.....When Hossa returned to Chicago from the tournament, he went to see another specialist. This one recommended taking Cyclosporine, an immunosuppressive drug.

“That’s how I survived the year,” Hossa said.

The medication would also spell the end of his career.....

....The drug can be so dangerous the FDA has given it a black box warning. Some of the possible side effects include an increased risk of serious infections, higher blood pressure, kidney disease, tumor and skin cancer. Hossa went to Northwestern Memorial Hospital for testing every two weeks.

And here’s a summary on a free site (though it’s nowhere near as good as the Athletic article, and doesn’t do nearly as good a job conveying what he went through)

Marian Hossa Opens Up About Skin Condition Forcing Him to Retire

After I read what this guy went through, i’ll never again question him retiring.

I guess I'm always somewhat dubious when a player conveniently ducks out from his years of low financial returns.


Registered User
Jun 22, 2015
I guess I'm always somewhat dubious when a player conveniently ducks out from his years of low financial returns.
Yeah I am the same way.

and I initially doubted Hossa’s story, too.

Like many, I thought it was just some bogus excuse to get out of the low money years left on his deal.

But reading that interview changed my mind. I had no idea everything he was going through.

I would have never taken that medication he was on unless it was life or death. Definitely not to play hockey. That medication can have some really, really bad side effects.
It can cause your kidneys to fail. It can cause severe liver damage. It can give you cancer. It makes you much more susceptible to severe infections (and many other things since it weakens your immune system).

And he had to take 6 of those pills each day. He described how he had numerous duffel bags stuffed full with packs of those pills in case Chicago made the playoffs.

I give him credit for everything he went through to keep playing. The guy is a warrior.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2016
Western NY

Hopefully this is all he needs to keep himself going


Buffalo Sabres, Carolina Panthers fan
Dec 24, 2016
Good teams keep good players. It’s at most 1 mil per year too much AAV, but are we really going to complain about signing a perennial 30+ goal scorer on a team nearly bereft of any talent?
the funny part is that he scores 40 when the Sabres haven't had a 30+goal scorer in forever and people actually are worried about signing good players back to the team...he's already scored 40 for us and people are comparing it to Okposo, Moulson even though both players didnt even have a year on the Sabres prior...Skinner has already showed how good he can be here.


Game Changer
Jun 6, 2018
the funny part is that he scores 40 when the Sabres haven't had a 30+goal scorer in forever and people actually are worried about signing good players back to the team...he's already scored 40 for us and people are comparing it to Okposo, Moulson even though both players didnt even have a year on the Sabres prior...Skinner has already showed how good he can be here.

Those two were also both older at the time of signing and neither were of Skinner's calibre either.


Registered User
Jun 22, 2015
Felt like this was worth sharing.

Q&A with Ken Holland: On the draft, buyouts, free agency and...

How much will you consider aging curves when considering how much term to offer a free agent in his late 20s? I know Justin Abdelkader, for instance, was a player you had within your organization, but did you learn anything from the contract you gave him?

I would say if you’re in the business and you think every contract is gonna be team-friendly, you should find another business. You’re dreaming.
You have to decide if you wanna let the player go. Easy to sit on the sidelines and have all the answers and second-guess and criticize. But come on in and get into the big chair and then make decisions.
Not every contract that I signed in Detroit worked out. Some were fabulous contracts for the team. You’re gonna have some bad ones. These guys are people. They’re human beings. There’s probably gonna be some contracts signed in the industry this year, this offseason, that down the road they don’t look so good. But in the short term, they look awful good. You’re dreaming to think you’re gonna get a player that the day he’s no longer playing at that level his contract expires. It happens occasionally, but not that often.
What I learned from my time in Detroit is you’ve gotta do more good than bad. You’re gonna do some things that don’t work out. It’s easy to not get criticized. Just do nothing. Don’t sign anybody. If you wanna be in the NHL, you’ve gotta get in the game. You’ve gotta decide when to pay term. That’s how you’re gonna land players. If you ask me about the Edmonton Oilers and free agency but you don’t wanna give any term, we might as well just go fishing.
I’m gonna sign a contract going forward that probably isn’t gonna pan out. But I’m hoping that I’m gonna sign more that do pan out to offset the one that doesn’t pan out. All 31 general managers, if you’re gonna be involved in free agency – I’m not just talking about this summer, I’m talking about every summer – and even if you’re signing your own players, you’re gonna have the odd contract where the player doesn’t perform to the level they’re paid at.
What did I learn from my time in Detroit? I learned that it’s a hard league. I believe that you’ve gotta have a plan. I believe that we’re gonna make lots of good decisions. I believe that we’re gonna make some bad decisions. You hope that the bad decisions aren’t critical. I learned that the difference between the good teams and the bad teams is marginal.

Jim Bob

Feb 27, 2002
Rochester, NY
"And if Skinner reverts and has a year where he scores 31 points in 82 games like 2014-15, then this contract will look even worse."


Can a take actually be that bad?

If Skinner regresses to his 2017-18 numbers in 2019-20, then people are going to lose their minds around here.

I doubt that happens. But, if it does, this contract will be regrettable way sooner than almost everyone expects.


Jan 12, 2019
If the team starts winning more next season, but he ends it with ~50 points and maybe being average defensively, are y'all going to be pissed?

I'd worry if he could keep up his production, but team success will sure soften the blow.

Jim Bob

Feb 27, 2002
Rochester, NY
Ah yes, the known regression towards 95 PDO...

Skinner has had 4 seasons with a S% over 10% and 4 seasons with a S% below 10%.

Skinner staying at or above where he was in 2018-19 is not a guarantee.

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La Cosa Nostra

Jun 25, 2009
129 goals the last 4 years. UFA market very thin outside of Panarin and Duchene among forwards for top line under 30 forwards.

Remember people laughed when Eichels agent said the 8/80 deal he signed was actually a steal? Well he was not lying and foresaw what players will cost. When Marner gets 11+, Laine close to 10, Panarin 11 etc Skinners 9 will be normal.

Having a ppg+ young center for 10 the next 7 years is the steal.
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