I think he’s a fine GM and I think the odds of the team replacing him now are about 0.
It’s a bad idea because their value is at its peak today given they can be used for two runs for the acquiring team. If a great deal is there I don’t hope they let it pass so they can wait until the assets are worth less, then fire him, then replace him, then wait to see how the new guy is, then move them when they have a few months left on their deals.
Thats a bad idea.
Is their value at peak now, where only half the league is going to be willing to bid on them, and anyone making a move for these guys is a playoff contender with a late 1st round pick, or, is their value more effective at the draft, where you have 30 teams who can use their services?
I think it's an interesting question. 1.5 seasons and two playoff runs for ~16 teams, or 1 season and one playoff run for 30 teams.
By all means, if a great deal is there, take it. But I think maybe what JG's concept of a 'great deal' is and what my concept of a 'great deal' is probably differ. I think if Gorton moves 27 and 36 at the deadline, we are going to be underwhelmed. And maybe it's the best offer he got, but you have to also ask yourself if the best offer isn't great, why make the trade?
But we can agree to disagree here.
And like I've been saying, I'm happy to re-evaluate JG after 61, 55, 40, and others are moved and seeing what kind of return he gets for himself here.
And it's also really not a good look that AV is still the coach. I know, I know, firing AV might make the Rangers win one or two more games. The horror.