Finding Hemingway
As much as he's looking better its uncanny that on one of the goals last night Ekholm is the one chasing out of position and Booch is right where he's supposed to be. Just thought it was funny. Ekholm knew he screwed up. The Veteran made the wrong play, the student had the lesson plan down.I think a big part of this is both McDavid and Ekholm being healthy. It's easy to see the difference between McDavid now and McDavid in the first 10+ games. But I think the same thing can be said of Ekholm as well. He looks like the version that came from Nashville right now and he sure did not early on.

Goal probably doesn't occur if Ekholm doesnt' abandon net front. Its funnier still because its what the team worked on through their long break.
Ekholm is great to have. Not saying otherwise. But the Viking got a little bloodlust last night too. Theres a lot of good with that, but he's not 100% the player that doesn't get distracted by it. Ek can lose his cool and focus at times.