Fox Mafia Consigliere
Read any of his tweets if you think "this was not hatred."the video was literally just criticism of his play and saying he’s a bad player and a headhunter. There was nothing horrible that would warrant Trouba’s tweet. He isn’t shining light on the mental health war, he’s using it to shield himself from criticism. This was not vile insults. This was not threats. This was not hatred. This was a critique of his on ice play and how his level of headhunting is hypocritical to the causes he supports.
There’s some massive irony in saying athletes mental health isn’t taken seriously in response to a valid critique of his play. It’s shit like THIS that leads to people not taking it seriously.
This literally comes off as “stop criticizing my play or i’ll kill myself and it’ll be your fault”.
I wanted to show examples but I won't even platform his tweets here.