8-9 per, that scares the crap out of me, sigh. I really wish we had gambled last summer.
Off the top of my head, I think 5 years at 4 million (and quite possibly a bit less) last summer would have gotten it done. Just a bit more dollars than Mrazek, but more term and enough to set him up for life which would likely have been very hard for Campbell to turn down considering how little he's banked during his career. He looked so good to me last season, both regular season and playoffs, my only concern was durability which TBH seems like it was never a big issue. I'd be very curious to know what the thinking was behind not getting this done.
Looking at the numbers, there's a clear case that he beats Ullmark in everything but GP, and outside of GP is in the convo with Grubaur and Markstrom over the 3 years before all the deals. So there's an argument that 5x4 is underselling him by upwards of 5m dollars. but then examining the gamble, even if everything goes according to team plan and we get a 50/50 start split with Mrazek he's up with the higher two.
He'll be up around 6 mill career earnings by the end of this deal. If you look at outcomes of this season and the upcoming goalie market
He tanks out of the league/ career ending injury (10% x $0)= 0
He takes a big step back, is looking at a deal as a clear back up (20% x (2mx2yrs) = 800k
He takes a slight step back, is looking at a 1B type Mrazek/Driedger deal (30% x (3.8m x 3 yrs) = 3.42m
He holds, is looking at a 1A type Grubaur/Markstrom deal (30% x (6mx6) = 10.8
He blows up, is looking at a Bob deal (10% x 9mx7) = 6.3
The expected value is only slightly ahead, but barring career ending injury he's still in a set for life/ generational wealth type position, and in two outcomes (30 - 50% likelihood) he's up 16+ million on the deal you offered.
I think we were/are gambling on his desire to stay and his humility, hoping that he and Mrazek would emerge as near equals and him not being the kind of guy to look at the market and say screw Mraz, I'm worth way more.