This is the Real Are Be and not a Burner account!
- Apr 1, 2013
- 880
- 313
Absolutely correct.This league thinks they can take the biggest hockey market for granted, that we’ll always be here just because it’s Canada and because of our long tradition.
The NHL wants to expand in the south and in newer markets, which is fine, except that they lost out on an entire generation of youth and immigrants in Toronto who could have become fans, but instead went the Raptors and Jays route. What was there for a potential fan to cheer for in the last 15 years? Some of those potential fans are lost for good, others might join at a later date, but not as enthusiastically or as a secondary fan to another team in another sport.
And it gets worse- the professional hockey league is in fact the American Association of Unites States Ice Hockey Teams that has a Canadian Branch Plant Division. Gary Bettman knows full well that the AAUSIHT needs a fat-cat US TV deal and he fully knows that the US TV networks loath non-American needle moving Canadian teams on their network.
The Canadian Branch Plant division pays for the bills in the regular season, but as soon as the playoffs start, they become a determent and need to be taken out.
Many Canadians find it insulting and impossible to accept, but that Obie -Wan Kenobi
thing on Hockey Night in Canada, ""Hockey is what gives Canada its power. Hockey is like an energy field created by all living Canadians. It surrounds Canadians and penetrates Canadians. It binds Canadians together," is a myth, and is not true! Professional hockey is as American as the National Basketball Association, MLB and the NFL. Let me be clear on what professional hockey is not- professional hockey is not Canadian, but instead American. Bell and Rogers have a very strong interest and have built TV and radio networks around the Obie- Wan Kenobie myth of hockey in Canada, but sadly for Canadians, you will always get sucker punched for your devotion