This is the Real Are Be and not a Burner account!
- Apr 1, 2013
- 880
- 313
I hate this class warfare Marxist crap. They have rarefied skill.Hard to like the team when they’ve played like they have after signing such lucrative contracts
You pay the players for what you project them to be, and not for cups won a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
They get paid more than an eye doctor who can reattach your retina, and those doctors are the best paid in Ontario. Hockey players get paid less than NBA players, because NBA players have skills that are more in demand.
On another note- I hate this nice guy stuff. You show me a professional athlete and I will show you an arrogant jerk with a stripper girlfriend in every port of call is not 100% true 100% of the time, but it is a lot true a lot of the time.
And I hate this nice guy stuff relating to lack of selfishness! I would love it if the teammates all were bitter because they should be the MVP. "I scored the most! I led the American Association of US Ice Hockey Teams in save percentage! I set the record for blocked shots in the AAUSIHT!" etc.
Finally, I want them to win the cup, I do not want to have a drink with them.