This thread is back firing and turning into what looks more like an Engvall appreciation thread
If and when , any player on our roster plays consistent , honourable , hard , winning , hockey for himself , his teammates and his organization on a regular basis and tries to give his all for a common goal of this team winning the cup and being in the top 5 teams every year to compete for the cup , I will always be the first in line to congratulate him and applaud his efforts .
My takes on any player is never personal unless there is a personal matter that would arise .
I will always be honest with my opinions and base them on a broader scope than one shift or one game ..
That “ line “ played much much better last night , Hyman was the key and Soup was strong .
Did Engvall play better than he has all year ?, yes he did better , and he took the body on a play that I saw , is there room for improvement, of course ,do I wish him success , 100% as if everyone on this team played balls to the wall like Hyman shift in shift out , we will increase our chances of winning the cup greatly ...
The challenge for him and anyone on the bubble is consistency and maintain and even increase his level from last night . One game one game !
I would like nothing better than him having the success personally and in the team environment
Go Leafs Go
“Hockey history is written by the winners.”