Yeah, it turns out the masses eventually get tired of f***ed over by the rich and retaliate with violence. If only there was some historical precedent of this happening…
You know who else resorts to violence? People who have no other option and nothing left to lose. There are also political precedents for this happening. It's why we are a republic and have rights in a constitution.
Meanwhile BOS members are having cops drag people out of a BOS meeting in NJ for holding an american flag. And the cops are willingly doing it. Cause lil Susie needs braces. Who's the bigger POS? The cops smiling as the drag people out? (Fairfax and Loudoun CO Va anyone?) Or the NPC trash mob level elected officals who will never amount to more than some hack on a county board?
The thing is, people are tired of elites. Political elites, Powerful CEO elites (Gates, the chinese buying up farm land, lies about where covid came from then 3 years later, oh it came from that place) and so on. Its not the wealth, for me, it's the influence that f***s people over. I could care less what you make. IDGAF if you make 10m a year or your company makes 80B a year. I don't. GOOD for you. But if you harm me in the process of doing that? If you take from me what little I have or cause harm to me or mine? Better hope I have more to lose than gain. I'm fast approaching 50. I've lived my life. I don't have anything or anyone to leave behind other than her. I've asked for people to keep the social contract (do no harm, leave people alone, keep your word) for FAR too long and watched people get away with FAR too much.
The ATF knocks on my door because I buy a thread adapter for a suppressor I have a form 4 because I bought it online from a source they don't like. Show up on my porch and THREATEN me. Yet the POTUS' kid gets a pardon for lying on a 4473 when I'd get prison. Yeah. People are fed up and it ain't all the money.
I just had a 3k claim denied when I pay almost 900 a month between my HSA and insurance for two. Yeah. I'll have a f***in coke and I'm not sorry. These people wouldn't care if I had a heart attack and died from stress, or if I never retire and die before I did. Why should I give a shit if this dude got two in his back for being the CEO of the company that sets the culture standard for claim denial? I don't - because they don't care about me. "Oh well, anyway..."
Insurance can cost more than a house payment, and that doesn't even get into the cost of procedures or getting denied for procedures. Most companies have done away with defined benefit retirement plans so that leaves Medicare for retirees. We can't assume that anyone struggling to pay for insurance is lazy or just doesn't want to work if that's what you meant.
My insurance for two adults IS more than my house payment, when you back out the taxes I pay for the services I don't use.