Here is the the thing. Pandemics will never completely go away. Viruses are alive. They mutate in order to survive. When we as humans, and as their hosts, figure out a way to kill them, they adapt as a species and mutate. The coronavirus appears to be more virulent than other recent viruses from the flu family. More people are going to catch it, and it will spread. It appears to have the most severe effects among the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. If you are young (under 60) and healthy, you may get very sick, but the chances of you dying are very slim (less than 1%). In fact, it is most likely you will have a mild case of flu-like symptoms. Strong immune systems seem to be very capable of fighting this virus, and that's a good thing because antibodies are being created in our bodies which will kill it off at some point. Not enough hosts to infect and a virus dies out.
Don't believe all the death rate statistics that are being floated out their, because all anyone knows is the number of deaths (the numerator), and no one has a clue about the denominator (the number of people who have contracted the virus). Remember many people who had no symptoms, or only mild symptoms (cough with no fever for example) will never be tested.
The best course of action is for your loved ones who are elderly, or have an immune system that is compromised to self-isolate. Help them out by running their errands for them, etc. I chewed my own Mom out today (she is 79) for going to the grocery store and post office unnecessarily. I don't live in the same city, but I have cousins living near her that have already volunteered to get her groceries, etc.
...and for god's sake people knock it off with hoarding toilet paper. Can you eat toilet paper? Stop hoarding stuff and there is plenty to go around.