I am really tired of hearing crap like this when the numbers show themselves to be totally different. I have read many stories like this over the past month and heard numerous "professionals" claim that the death rate for this virus is around 1 percent or even lower. The numbers say otherwise!
Now let me preface this by saying that I AM NOT a mathematician, nor am I a statistician. But I do know how to calculate and track numbers to find "probable" outcomes.
I having been tracking this virus since March 19th, nearly one month ago, and I have found MUCH different numbers than ALL of the "professionals." Like I said before, I am NO mathematician, so I have not invented some new formula for quantifying numbers. Also, I have no 'inside track' to any numbers that other don't have access to. I have simply taken the numbers that the this website (
Coronavirus Update (Live): 2,320,723 Cases and 159,475 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer) has been posting on a daily basis. The stats that this website has been presenting is inline with the numbers that the John Hopkins website has been presenting - currently, the John Hopkins website shows 37,659 and Worldometers shows 38,244 - so the end results of my findings SHOULD not deviate much. What the Worldometers website does is show you all of the numbers that matter for figuring out this virus on a spreadsheet.
For sake of this discussion, we will be focusing on the U.S. If you scroll down on the first page of the Worldometer website you will see a spreadsheet with all of the countries around the world and what their current numbers are. If you click on the USA link you will be taken to a sub-page that breaks down all of the US numbers by state. Also, you will be able to see a stat that NO one is talking about. The first number that you will see will be the total cases, to date, for the U.S. The next number that you will see will be the total deaths in the U.S., so far. Then the next number you will see is the total number of people that has successfully recovered from this disease, thus far. Then below that will see a box marked "Closed Cases". This box shows you the death rate of all of the closed cases thus far, and that number is STAGGERING! Why is this number staggering? Because, no one, and I mean NO ONE, is talking about a 37% death rate for this virus!
Now lets break this information down a bit.
Obviously this is a very high number because it is being skewed by the fact that the first people to go to the hospital were the ones in the worst shape, so I expect this number to go down as the severity of cases drop and we start to see more, "not-so-sick" people start to get tested and added to the total number of cases (denominator). But, even as such, the way that I see it, there is nothing showing me that this current death rate percentage will change much, unless we have hit some sort of saturation in the populous (meaning that ALL of the most vulnerable people have already been infected and the rest of the country are the not-so vulnerable ones). But I know that this is not true, because there are MANY retirement homes around this country that are yet to be hit.So, as I see it, (based on the current numbers) - 728,000 total cases at a 35-37% death rate - there will be 250,000 to 275,000 U.S. deaths within the next 3-4 weeks.
Someone please find holes in my logic, because I don't like what I see right now!
As a side note, in the box titled "Closed Cases" that I mentioned above, there is a link that says "Show Graph". I recommend that you click this link so that you can a chart of the death rate for the U.S. over the past 6-8 weeks. At one point the death rate for the U.S. was at 69%, so it has already dropped once before, but the percentage has been fluctuating between 35-40% for a solid 3 weeks now.