We have not been let down by any players in the bottom 6 in our playoff runs. We get Bottom 6 level performances from the core 4, its really that simple. That is why we have not won a single round. Explain to me how exactly you would have handled Willy, Mitch and Auston 3 years ago? contracts aside, would you have resigned those 3 players? if the answer is yes (which I suspect it would be), then your results would be the same. You cannot win when your best players no show when it matters the most. Good, bad or indifferent this is the core he was dealt. A very good one yes, but they have yet to show that they can get over the hump. Not the bottom 6, defense, or goaltending... the core 4.
He inherited a terrible defense, and has since made it a top 10 defense in the league (not easy to do). He inherited an egomaniac as a coach, he addressed that. He inherited some tough "untradeable" contracts (Zaitzev, Marleau) and addressed that.
I will not fault Kyle for putting faith in Mitch, Auston, Willy, and JT. Any f***ing GM on the planet would do the same. If you think the contrary, I am really not sure how.
Our prospect depth is phenomenal. And despite being in a flat cap era that was completely unforeseen, which arguably handcuffed the Leafs more than any other NHL franchise, we were still entering last seasons post season with maybe the best NHL caliber depth out of any playoff team. We had Rittich as a number 3, Gally, Nash, Hutton, Lilly, Dermott, and Sandin all fighting for 2 spots.
I will admit I don't agree with the moves he has made this offseason. But Kyle is a very smart GM, and if he "fails" here it will be because Auston and Mitch don't step up and live up to their potential when it counts most. Kyle will be scooped up in 10 seconds if he gets relieved. He has done a lot of good work in his tenure. Other NHL teams don't have the same emotional irrationality that this fanbase has