They must be catering to the crowd upstairs and designed the system poorly. It's obnoxious downstairs. Like pisses me off loud.
I haven't sat in the 100's or 200's this season so it's possible we just have a different tolerance, but I'm going with poor design.
It might be great for a concert, and perhaps that's why they built it that way, I wouldn't know.
But if it doesn't stop I'm going to start annoying every single one of those roaming salesmen they have.
This is all coming from a guy who has seen hundreds - yes hundreds - of artists live in every imaginable venue. And I'm not that old and have no intentions on stopping any time soon.
I also have no idea why they think their dj is OK as I'm pretty sure most people besides the children who don't know any better can't stand 90% of the trash they play. I don't care what genres you like, they seem to select the worst of the worst from any one of them.
Dude plays shit that wouldn't fly in a catering hall at a Staten Island wedding. But we all know that's going nowhere so no point in bitching to them about that.