Post-Game Talk: Hellecrook steals one from the Sharks 3-2

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Feb 24, 2015
I disagree-it was classless-especially since Scheif and Wheeler played worse, especially Scheif. Those two have been beyond reproach for so long, and sooner or later it will cause a significant rift in the dressing room.
Sooner or later?
We’re going into season 2 of sooner or later


The Ballad of Ville Bobby
Mar 10, 2010
Not that Mo was wrong about Rosie, but he really needs to can it with the calling out players, particularly young ones. He sounds like a jackass.

Yea it was totally uncalled for on a night when coach could have said that about any player on his team that wasn’t wearing goalie pads. I realize he might have meant it as a backhanded compliment but Paul really chunked it.


The Ballad of Ville Bobby
Mar 10, 2010
Actually shot-metric wise, Scheifele was our best skater outside of Bourque.

Roslovic was the worst outside of Gustaffson, Suess, and Shaw.

Just sayin. ;)

When describing individual Jets Skaters Last night I would probably avoid the word “best” and insert the verbiage “sucked less”



Registered User
Jan 5, 2018
Just caught up on the game and all I can say is, it’s quite impressive to be a 0.5 team when you’ve got 0.93 goaltending. That is a testament to how bad this year’s team is, how good Hellebuyck has been, and that once he comes down to earth it’s going to be pretty terrible.

Oh, and how about that Dutch boy Ehlers, is he hot or what?


Registered User
Jul 12, 2003
Two points is two points but man was that ugly.

Outside of a few individual performances I'm at a loss as to what the heck this team is trying to do on the ice. We are so disjointed moat nights it's incredibly hard to discern any type of system. It is beyond comical for an NHL team.

I honestly have no idea what the game plan seems to be know outside of collapse and bunker around Helle and then hope to be opportunistic on the few chances we create.

This team bunkers, can't breakout and can't maintain any sustained offensive pressure. It is honestly a mess and I really can't see the end game here from this coaching staff anymore. Either the team needs to do a 180 or we need a new voice imo. As a paying seat holder I will not be at all happy to fork out big dollars for whatever it is th


Registered User
Jul 12, 2003
Well that was all Helle and a few other individual performances.

That was ugly, I really am now at a loss for what the team is trying to accomplish on the ice most nights. The players really don't look like they have a clue what they are doing most nights. We bunker and hope to score on the few chances we generate. I get Maurice is in his last year and essentially coaching for his job but this isn't NHL caliber hockey the team is playing. It's also not just the Jets but the Moose are also a mess with this system.

What is the end game here, just hope to have Helle scrape us In?


Registered User
Feb 3, 2013

I think your right -- Maurice needs to start calling out Wheeler and Scheifele, but I don't think he has the stones to do that --he's a little intimidated by them --and they run the team.

This is not a good sign for a coach -- a championship coach should be the "boss" and call the shots --and the players should respect him , but they don't have to like him. Maurice is to worried about being liked IMO.

He could but doesn’t
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puck stoppa

Registered User
Jul 5, 2011
What do people expect to see with 3 Ahl Ds and 4 Ahl forwards in the lineup. Our lineup is not pretty. Helly is the real deal, now all the people who ripped on him at the start of the year will probably come back and rip on him for playing too well cause he’s killing the tank.
Here is a thought, let’s hang around, get healthy, ice a good roster and anything can happen.

Ehlers Scheif Laine
Connor little Wheels
Perreault Roslo Apples
Copp Lowry whoever

Jmo Pionk
Kulikov Beaulieu
Niku Poolman

We can still add a D with some cap space saved on Buff if we’re close. Or we add Samberg and Vesa come March. There is also Heinola still.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2014
We literally swapped out 90% of our dcore and a 30% of our forwards, while being the youngest team in the league, and we have some here perplexed by what they are seeing on the ice, acting as though this should be operating like a well oil machine.

Lets not account for a learning curve, ignore the time it takes to develop chemistry and cohesion, lets pretend it should be plug and play, and anything less being unacceptable. Lets be ignorant.

The fact we are a .500 team through all we have experienced is impressive. Our best hockey is a few months out, and if we need Helly to steal a few for us till we get there, great cause last I heard he plays for our team.

Sami Niku should be ready in a week or so, and Nathan will give us a boost on the backend. Laine and Lowry also provides a big boost. But the sky is falling crowd crap on here today is comical as it is ignorant.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2014
What do people expect to see with 3 Ahl Ds and 4 Ahl forwards in the lineup. Our lineup is not pretty. Helly is the real deal, now all the people who ripped on him at the start of the year will probably come back and rip on him for playing too well cause he’s killing the tank.
Here is a thought, let’s hang around, get healthy, ice a good roster and anything can happen.

Ehlers Scheif Laine
Connor little Wheels
Perreault Roslo Apples
Copp Lowry whoever

Jmo Pionk
Kulikov Beaulieu
Niku Poolman

We can still add a D with some cap space saved on Buff if we’re close. Or we add Samberg and Vesa come March. There is also Heinola still.

Just posted the same thing.

When you ask, what do people expect, the answer is they expect this to go bad, and that excites them because they need losses to validate their hate for the coach and gm. If this team over achieves, it kills their narrative.

puck stoppa

Registered User
Jul 5, 2011
Just posted the same thing.

When you ask, what do people expect, the answer is they expect this to go bad, and that excites them because they need losses to validate their hate for the coach and gm. If this team over achieves, it kills their narrative.
That and the narrative that we won’t win anyway so get a good pick yadayada. We won’t be picking top 5, and we will get a good player in this draft no matter where we pick first round, deep draft. If we’re out of it try to add a second rounder.


Hnidy probably has us on his no trade list
Sep 30, 2016
Just finished watching the game.


Holy crap! Nice pass by Roslo to feed Old Dutch (don't care, I'm calling him that :laugh:) for the GWG.

.962 S% for Helle. Holy crap!

Good win boys. Nice to see that Kane got his goal disallowed :laugh:


Registered User
Jul 16, 2016
Maurice has .524 career, but as he has more losses than wins, I guess he is "under .500 real", as there is that BS thing nowadays in NHL that for OT games there is 3 points to be shared.

He is also 0.450 in playoffs wins-losses.
He only coached Toronto Carolina and Winnipeg where should he be in winning percentage with these 3 juggernauts.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2014
He only coached Toronto Carolina and Winnipeg where should he be in winning percentage with these 3 juggernauts.

Just looks better for some to account for his coaching from 20 plus years ago as though its an accurate reflection of his current coaching.

The only coaching record that matters is what he achieves in Winnipeg, which is a very respectable 235 wins and 162 losses. Anything else is white noise.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2011
Oh nvm, i see we've deftly pivoted aleeady to the called out thing.

Which is completely out of context. Maurice clearly was using it as a reason why he can trust Rosie to be put in more situations if anyone cared to listen beyond that one sentence.

Basically, Roslo was bad most of like game and Maurice said 'like all of them' but he stuck with it. That showed Maurice that even when things are going badly for Roslo, and Maurice said like every player that will happen over the course of the year, that he can still put him out because Roslo can pull through it. That gave him trust to have him out there in the future.


A pint of dark matter, please.
Jan 7, 2017
The 100th Meridian
I think we all would agree --the Jet's have more than enough offensive firepower, but they just have to improve their defense capabities, and that includes their forwards coming back and helping out the defence.

Scheifele and Wheeler who are supposed to be leaders are the first ones that have to step up and hustle.

As much as many fans love Laine -- I think I'd look seriously at trading him for a couple defenseman, as we need more defensive capability, and would lose some scoring -- and what we'd lose, we'd pick up in return on a solid trade. I think this is the way to go. It will take to long to draft and develop defenseman. Pull the trigger on a big deal Chevy -- or we're a 500 team or worse this year.

Answer--trade Laine -- the return players would be great, and make this team a more complete team. I know this is not popular, but we don't need scorers --we need some 2 way hockey players.

We need guys like Lowry or Copp, who "can also score" OR a couple of really good solid defenseman who can also play with some offensive ability--then we'd be a lot more competitive.

With due respect to you GNP, and while your call to trade our youngest star may be an obvious answer to others, I will strongly disagree. This kind of player (coachable, hard-working, obviously gifted) do not come along every year. Certainly not to the Jets! Another Copp or Lowry transforms the team, yes, but to what?

Utilization of these unique players is so important, and often overlooked in these discussions. Utilization - there, I've mentioned it again.
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