I saw both games this weekend. Some thoughts:
1. I know it might have seemed to be a little random, but I have been critical of the brass when I think its warranted and I have had big issues with how HFD has been handled for a long time. Hence it is not without some relief I can post that I do think HFD is in good hands and that things are going in the right direction under Kris Knoblauch. There are many reasons for that. But a big reason is how the team plays. They are passing the puck around more, keeping it more within the team. This was also the biggest reason for concern that I had before. Its not something you can point a finger on, but when you check in on a team on a general basis you get a feel of what the state of the team is and HFD for a long time hasn't been a team that played like a team. And it certainly wasn't early this season either despite playing well defensively and winning a record amount of games. Sure you can have different philosophies and all players are different. But not playing a team game is never -- not even remotely -- going to function in the NHL in 2020. When you put the puck on the net -- and that must be done, no doubt, and you can certainly be guilty of not doing that enough, but that is another issue -- you must have players in position to put pressure on rebounds and keep/win back possession of the puck. Stuff like that.
I just think KK has been able to communicate and get through on these things. All over the ice, you must be focused on achieving these things as a team. The "liberties" too many players have taken trying to look out for themselves by just putting the puck on the net to boost stats even if the rest of the unit isn't in place to administer the results of it just torpedoes the identity a team must have. There is just a big improvement.
2. Boy, is it nice to see the crowd!!! I've been vary of the attendance reports from HFD for a long time. Its been like 1,500 and on some nights I wonder if there have been 500 guys in the arena.
On Saturday the attendance was reported to be 6,617 (!!!) and on Friday it was 5,707. Even if those numbers of course also could be a bit exaggerated, HWP for the first time in years when I watched them played in front of an actual crowd. Like they score a goal and the view from the camera is blocked a bit because you get hands in the air, it was hard to not feel like 'what is this? Is this for real?'. Amazing, and it will have such a big impact on the kids. They need this. You can talk about being professional and what not. But of course it has a big impact to get support from your fans. Everyone are only human.
3. The kid who was the biggest positive surprise for me was Joey Keane. The production as well as some really good plays were there early in the season too. But he wasn't really in control. But he is slowly moving in the right direction there too. Exciting to see. I still think we are talking a year, a year and a half, before he really could be call-up ready if there was an opening, but he is moving in the right direction.
4. Its hard to not be excited about Shesty. He is so comfortable out there. I just hope that he has a lot of patience. The NHL is a different level and you can't just put your skates out on the ice. Even if he plays really well, shelling can come and will certainly come with our defense. Its not good to have a kid dive in head first into that environment. Its perfect for him to get a lot of games in the AHL and gradually get his feet wet in the NHL.
5. There are two perspectives to watch our LD prospects/young players from. Either you can conclude that they are all really good. Or you can conclude that nobody is much better than a pretty effin big number of guys behind them on the depth chart.
A few thoughts: Libor Hajek is better served in the AHL right now than in the NHL. I think his confidence has grown a lot in the NHL, and he is employing that in the AHL being more active and more involved. If he doesn't take those steps in his career right now, there is no way that he will start taking them later on when the stakes are 10x and nobody want to see someone in their mid 20s out gambling on the ice. He is looking good for sure, but also, I don't think he really is standing out that much.
Yegor Rykov is IMO probably overtaking Hajak a bit in the AHL. I like Rykov. He is big and strong. He moves well and makes good plays with the puck. He plays with intensity, more so than many comparable. I think that Rykov has more potential than he is given credit for. Its always hard to say that a D outside the NHL is "ready". Like the marginals are extremely small and the devil is kind of in the detail for a young D. Like watch Skjei, if he was outside the NHL there is no doubt that everyone could see that he has "it" to play in the NHL. But in the NHL Skjei can of course struggle a lot from time to time like we all have seen. You need to execute too. Rykov has "it", but it remains to be seen if and to what extent he can execute. But I think he has "it" to log a lot of minutes in a fairly big role in the NHL too, he doesn't just have "it" to get a shot on a 3rd pairing.
But I especially like his physical potential and there is a bit where his unrecognized "upside" is. He has a good chippy, warrior, style attitude. Competes hard. No nonsense. He is careful and focused. Someone pointed out his PIM totals and they are so low for a player actually being as involved as Rykov is. He cross checking/PIM ratio must be amazing, which speaks to something. And physically I see no reason for why he couldn't become quite a specie-man. If he really really deploys himself and takes things to another level kind of like Kreider, Mika and co have done, and many others, he could definitely become a really good top 4 D. No doubt.
6. I think Kravtsov is in a good place right now in HFD and the guys around that team deserves cred for that.
Kravy has played a lot in the KHL already, and it is no surprise to see him back check as well as he does etc. He has done that in the KHL since he was 17 y/o. I am a little surprise how he mis-values situations in the NA-game. Now he almost errs to much on the side of caution. But these things will come with time. A good example was a transition play that they had on Saturday in the 3rd. Kravy is on the tailend of a long shift and gets the puck around our blueline on the right side. The defending LD is in place and the defending RD has jumped on the ice after a linechange and is coming in from the wrong direction overloading on Kravy. He easily could have skated the puck up ice himself and created a 2 on 1 or even a break-away because the RD was blown. But Kravy skated the puck into the center of the neutral zone and then made a pass back to the right side were support had arrived. Its these things that he has struggled with. Either he has stick-handled and lost the puck or he doesn't stick handle when he has open ice.
There are never any givens in terms of development in these areas, but I would definitely be surprised if Kravy doesn't pin this down sooner rather than later.
7. Fogarthy is huge for HFD and hopefully we can keep him. I do feel sorry for him never getting a chance in the NHL without being forced to drag Brendan Smith around on the ice... He is so much better than he gets a chance to show on our 4th line.
8. Gropp scored 2 goals on Saturday and one of them was huge. But I don't think he or Getts or Boo and co really are stepping up that much in the AHL. They aren't showing much potential. For the guys in that mold that manage to make it work in the NHL it can look a bit easy. And its not like someone like Getts couldn't make good plays in the NHL if he gets involved. But its just so hard to get involved. Its the same with Gropp. Like, in the end, he is so far from being involved enough.
9. Vinny L is still playing well in the AHL, he is the one who showing more than the rest at forward. I am not sure he is doing himself any favors with how he goes about business though. Probably a special mentality for good and bad.