A substantial percentage of HFSens are suffering from Dorion Derangement Syndrome and will say nice things about pretty much anybody or anything that makes poor Pierre look bad.
This will soon change.
It's so true. Some of the people on here have become unhinged with hatred. Everything is awful here but teams in a similar position to us are flourishing and have bright, promising futures, right?
Every team that outperforms expectations in any year is suddenly the barometer for success with which to compare ourselves. Happens all the time. Every waiver pickup with a modicum of success becomes a grievance for those with DDS. Middling teams have "genius" GMs. Why? No one knows. Or, at least, no one can clearly articulate why.
We take away credit when it's due and heap criticism when it's not.
"We've been bad for 6 years!!!"
Ok? I guess if there's a way we can be a playoff bubble team while also guaranteeing ourselves a lottery pick each year, I'd love to explore that route for future tear-downs.
There's no consideration for circumstance. Other teams have done longer tear downs, been out of the playoffs longer, had worse results over a similar amount of time and what did they get for it? The Ovechkins, Crosbys, Kanes, Matthews, McDavids and MacKinnons of the world. We got a 3OA pick which, only through sheer luck, has proven to be the best player from that draft, a 4OA and a 5OA.
We had one of the cheapest and worst owners in NHL history and it's like he's a footnote now, a passing anecdote about micromanagement and inept operation of a professional sports franchise. It's hard to understand how they've forgotten so quickly when they spent years talking about the billboards and raging against him. But instead of giving credit to the guy who had to walk that fine of a line, they set it aside and crucify him for every misdeed, real or perceived.
It's time to move on from Dorion because every organization eventually needs a new voice, a new leader and a new set of eyes to evaluate everything from top to bottom. But can we stop spending this much time microanalyzing every trade, roster move and draft pick ad infinitum? We've already settled all of it. It's been hashed and re-hashed. Let's look forward. There's a bright future ahead and all some of you can do is continue to wallow in the misery of what has already passed. It's time to stop grieving. Be hopeful for a change.