OT: General OT MEGATHREAD (No Politics) Pt. 3 - Read OP before posting


Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
The technical explanation of the CS BSOD...



Sports bring out the worst in everyone.
Aug 20, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I was at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam during the Crowdstrike ordeal. Miraculously, our flight to JFK was not cancelled, but only delayed a couple of times. (I think something like 40% of all flights out of Schiphol ended up being cancelled.) Still, it took us 19 hours to get back to Philadelphia. What a nightmare.
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Neil Racki

Registered User
May 2, 2018
When Im driving and feeling pumped up I blare some Misfits and just rock out in my car.

Just reviewing some officer body cam footage and this cop driving to a scene is rocking the f*** out to danzigs Mother.

Just like I do .. banging the steering wheel hard, playing air guitar and drums .. just rocking out like no ones watching.


conclusion - its impossible to listen to misfits and not rock the f*** out behind the wheel, volume up windows down

Neil Racki

Registered User
May 2, 2018
Drunk Santa is in the house at Journey/Def Leppard in Hershey
View attachment 897125
ahhh .. thats my idea. I told the fam I want a Santa suit so I can wear it to random events all year round. Currently I have a reindeer suit but its so f***ing hot/sweaty im miserable for more than an hour in here.

Ive worn a Santa hat to a caps game before no where close to christmas time. for whatever thats worth. I love our Captain Obvious fan.


I was eating my lunch at Cava today downtown Silver spring and looking out the window theres a homeless guy ive seen a bunch. Legit homeless not a gypsy professionnal begger who drives a 2022 honda.

Im eating my lunch .. looking outside at this guy just sitting there and I feel bad. Internal dialogue going on. I debate whether I should buy him a Cava gift card but then maybe he doesnt f*** w like feta or something.

I walk over to Chic Fila and buy a $20 gift card.

I walk back to my guy and from a distance I see this nice lady talking to him, IM guessing offering to buy him Cava.

IM like f***. What should I do.

As I get near him, she had walked inside Cava and he was following. I gave him teh gift card, he said thank you, took it but he has to go.

So anyway .. here I am trying to squeeze $20 worth of "man your such a good guy" comments out of HF bc I didnt get my "im a good guy bc I have money" climax.


NBA Yungboy
Apr 17, 2019
I’ve been kicking the tires on selling life insurance remotely, mainly because my uncle has made a ton of money doing it. Starting to think maybe this is a waste of time, idk if I can be a pushy salesman
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Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
I’ve been kicking the tires on selling life insurance remotely, mainly because my uncle has made a ton of money doing it. Starting to think maybe this is a waste of time, idk if I can be a pushy salesman

You could dip a toe in and see if you like it, but sales requires a very specific skillset and personality type that has to relish convincing people to buy something in order to really be successful, never truly take "no" for an answer, and always be on the hunt for more opportunities out of seemingly thin air.

If you have moral qualms about being "pushy" in any way it might be a red flag that you won't like it.

Salespeople are a different breed. LOL


I'm just here for the memes and gifs.
Apr 29, 2009
Fallbrook, CA
I’ve been kicking the tires on selling life insurance remotely, mainly because my uncle has made a ton of money doing it. Starting to think maybe this is a waste of time, idk if I can be a pushy salesman

Others have made good points, one more I'd make is, from personal experience... if being told no over and over, having people hang up on you repeatedly isn't something you can just slough off and ignore, then sales isn't for you. The expression "don't take no for an answer" is misleading. You'll be told no a hundred times a day and there's almost nothing you can do to change that. You might get one yes a day, so the ratio can be crushing if you aren't up for that constant rejection. Sales people have to detach their own ego from the outcome of each individual transaction (all those no's) and accept that their success comes from persistence, not talent or luck or having a good product or price or anything else.

Disclaimer: I spent 25 years as a technology sales engineer and a brief stint as a new business sales rep. I carefully observed hundreds of sales people, successful and failures. I saw what makes the good ones good and why the bad ones failed, up close. I even tried it myself for a bit. Cold calling/email marketing was the worst thing I've ever subjected myself to in my life. Other people just grind it out without thinking twice about it. Know your personality before getting into sales. Good luck either way.


NBA Yungboy
Apr 17, 2019
It's not really the sales part of it im worried about, it all just seems pretty sketchy. You basically sell life insurance policies over the phone, that are labeled at as mortgage protection. But they're essentially one call close type deal and its leads you buy from mortgage lenders since its from newly purchased homes. Like I said it's very MLM pyramid scheme type vibes, not to mention you get all of these peoples information over the phone, like even bank account information. It all seems weird

So I obtained my license but sort of not feeling this sort of script/sales pitch. Seems pretty sleazy overall, so maybe im back to the ground floor on my job/career search haha.


It’s Go Time!!
Feb 27, 2002
Others have made good points, one more I'd make is, from personal experience... if being told no over and over, having people hang up on you repeatedly isn't something you can just slough off and ignore, then sales isn't for you. The expression "don't take no for an answer" is misleading. You'll be told no a hundred times a day and there's almost nothing you can do to change that. You might get one yes a day, so the ratio can be crushing if you aren't up for that constant rejection. Sales people have to detach their own ego from the outcome of each individual transaction (all those no's) and accept that their success comes from persistence, not talent or luck or having a good product or price or anything else.

Disclaimer: I spent 25 years as a technology sales engineer and a brief stint as a new business sales rep. I carefully observed hundreds of sales people, successful and failures. I saw what makes the good ones good and why the bad ones failed, up close. I even tried it myself for a bit. Cold calling/email marketing was the worst thing I've ever subjected myself to in my life. Other people just grind it out without thinking twice about it. Know your personality before getting into sales. Good luck either way.
I think that’s a little unfair/over simplified ….I’ve known/know some amazing Sales Execs, Salespeople and Sales Engineers, to say their success is only from persistence….meh. In my experience the best have that drive, PLUS they’re talented in communication and skilled in cultivating relationships. Having a great product doesn’t hurt either. @DWGie26 what say you….
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It’s Go Time!!
Feb 27, 2002
It's not really the sales part of it im worried about, it all just seems pretty sketchy. You basically sell life insurance policies over the phone, that are labeled at as mortgage protection. But they're essentially one call close type deal and its leads you buy from mortgage lenders since its from newly purchased homes. Like I said it's very MLM pyramid scheme type vibes, not to mention you get all of these peoples information over the phone, like even bank account information. It all seems weird

So I obtained my license but sort of not feeling this sort of script/sales pitch. Seems pretty sleazy overall, so maybe im back to the ground floor on my job/career search haha.
Lots of call center providers with staff that do this type of work on behalf of much large Financial Institutions/businesses….I’ve had a client with this exact setup licensing their employees to sell Insurance as just one type of call center offering, Incredibly high turnover rate in this type of work. Some ick for sure…
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Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near.
Jul 29, 2002
Commission sales versus salaried sales are just two very different types of position and people. Had a unique situation being on the technical support side for a commercial demographic group where their sales folks were commission based then get bought by a software company that does not do commission based sales and it was stark.

Commission folks just have more 'shark' in them than the salaried. Also they were constantly over selling for a higher end product when a middle end product fit their needs perfectly. After we were purchased by the non-commission based sales company one of the sales guys who brought in a really big deal started to crumble a part and right before they were going to start clawing back his commission he bailed. Only one of the sales folks lasted once the group got fully borged into the new company (stayed for at least another 10 years).
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Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
It's not really the sales part of it im worried about, it all just seems pretty sketchy. You basically sell life insurance policies over the phone, that are labeled at as mortgage protection. But they're essentially one call close type deal and its leads you buy from mortgage lenders since its from newly purchased homes. Like I said it's very MLM pyramid scheme type vibes, not to mention you get all of these peoples information over the phone, like even bank account information. It all seems weird

So I obtained my license but sort of not feeling this sort of script/sales pitch. Seems pretty sleazy overall, so maybe im back to the ground floor on my job/career search haha.
Do some research on the company before jumping in. I don't think it's necessarily deceptive if the sales pitch INCLUDES some talk about protecting one's mortgage by way of having life insurance (spouse dies, you don't lose your house...that's just driving up the perception of need), but if they're doing anything that misdirects from one to the other etc then run the other way.


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