It might be my anti-open world bias showing, but I didn't get what the big deal was with Horizon: Zero Dawn. It's standard open world stuff, I found the story to be a bunch of gobbledygook, and I didn't particularly like any of the characters in it. Alloy is alright, but kind of like Jin in Ghost, I felt they were a little bland. I don't know if that's intentional so that everyone playing can project themselves on to them?
I liked God of War a lot more, although, somebody recently did a post of it in the games you beat thread that raised some fair criticisms. To get the most out of God of War, I think you need to do the optional stuff. There's optional bosses, areas, and some puzzles along the way. If you just burn through the main story, it would be kind of 'meh', although I'd still take the story in GoW over HZD. There's also the Norse mythology stuff if you're into that and the final optional boss is up there with FromSoft bosses in terms of difficulty.
So if you ask me, God of War is the better game. However, if I was in your position, started HZD for the first time, and didn't finish it before Elden Ring, I would have had no problem dropping it.