I'm over the call, I'm more annoyed they came out flat Thursday because this kind of thing can happen and you miss out on points. So you can't toss points away because you weren't feeling it that night. Losing because you got goalied, bounces/calls didn't go your way while you outplayed them is a thing I can live with. But coming out looking like you don't care and losing is garbage.
Just like the lackluster games they played against the Sharks, I swear it's crazy they haven't learned this yet despite missing the playoffs by a tie breaker.
I think this is the importance of having some tone setters on your team. There are going to be nights you just aren't into it, but if you have some guys who go out, who set a pace, who set a tone and take the body and get involved, I think it helps keep everyone going. If we can move out some of Motte, Tank, Berggren, Holl, Gus...and replace them with guys who will run you over as soon as look at you, I think that helps us. I think it also helps encourage some guys - like Ras and Elmer and Ed - to maybe step up and play a bit rougher.