Again, the contortion is not the grievances, which are mostly valid. It’s shoehorning those grievances into the Gauthier situation and assuming that they were major factors & would be materially different for Gauthier in Anaheim.
So I came in halfway through a conversation that was going back and forth multiple times...After going back and reading a bit more of the exchange, I get what you're saying.
Brink, Foerster, and Frost are not comparable situations to Zegras, MacTavish, and Gauthier. You can argue all day about Frost’s treatment, and I won’t disagree with you all that much about it, but to argue that they’re not getting opportunity is patently absurd. Foerster and Frost are third and fourth in PPTOI/GP on the Flyers, respectively. Brink is seventh. Laughton is 10th among forwards. And this is a team with Couturier, Konecny, Atkinson, Tippet, and Farabee all vying for PP time as well. I would say the kids actually are getting a good bit of PP opportunity! And so far, it hasn’t had great results! Not necessarily their fault, of course, but what do you want the PPTOI to look like? What would constitute “opportunity” to you?
For clarity here, my point is that opportunities are not presented equally or in a logical sense for specific player development, which in my mind should be priority number 1 in a rebuild.
Using icetime as an indicator for opportunity for development can be misleading. You need to look at deployment in total. For example, last year, they put Frost in the bumper and net front roles for the majority of his PP time. Sure he got plenty of time, but none of that ice time provided developmental value. Fast forward to this year, and he's one of the best pp performing forwards on the team and he's been primarily placed on the half wall.
Also, I don't think you can give the team credit for playing young players when that's the only choice they really had. 11 or 2 skaters on this team are 24 and under. Only 2 of their top 6 players are older than 24, so ice time is going to be given to younger skaters naturally. It's also not an attack, on the Flyers, it's just the way it is.
Based on many of the Sites to which I sub, the best PP performing forwards on the team are Couts, Brink, and Frost in that order (these are the only players who provide greater value relative to a replacement player). I would also agree with that based on my eye test. Atkinson, Tippett, Farabee and TK have never been good PP players throughout their career, and they aren't that good this season (Farabee and TK particularly are awful this season). Brink being 7th on the list isn't great for either his development or the team chances for success. And last night, Laughton was on the PP and Brink was not, although admittedly that's probably a short term thing not a long term thing.
If I was in charge of the PP, I would have Drysdale up top, Brink and Frost on the left and right walls, Couts and Forster or TK. And, like the Flyers used to do with Giroux/Voracek/Ghost, I would deploy this unit for about 60-75% (1:15 of each 2min pp) of the time, because the rest of the team hasn't provided enough for me. Not only are you developing players in this sense, but you're gonna get the best results as well.
And more to the point in the context of Gauthier, he’s simply not comparable to any of Frost, Foerster, or Brink. The Flyers haven’t had a forward prospect with that pedigree since Nolan Patrick, and he got every last chance to make an impact. To look at those guys — secondary scoring forwards — and extrapolate to Gauthier is just completely contrived. That’s the contortion I’m referring to. If anything, the opportunity they are getting speaks to the fact that Gauthier would have been locked into PP1 on the right wall from day 1, and likely getting top six minutes off the bat. Tortorella isn’t shying away from giving kids opportunities. There’s just a lot of them. That’s not to say some decisions aren’t baffling, but the opportunity is 100% there for all of them to make an impact.
We certainly disagree with Gauthier's level of prospect, but that's okay. I can agree with you that the Flyers held him in high regard. I believe he would have been given lots of opportunity (much more than others).
I'll just end with what I said earlier. It's not like Torts has many choices. He has to play younger players, because that's the construction of the roster. And, he's certainly giving some of the younger players great opportunity, and some of the other ones, he's not. He's very selective on who he puts in situations to succeed.