I have a tough time believing that if Cutter Gauthier said "if you don't sign me this May, I'm going to walk in 2026 and will never play with you" - Danny would say "ok that's fine, go back to college buddy".
If this was really about money, this kid wouldn't have sat ANOTHER 2 years in college to tell the Flyers to F off. No chance.
It has to go way further than this, or Cutter's camp really didn't communicate with the team - which actually seems like the most likely explanation. This org - who is desperate to win and is desperate to win over public perception - would not let him walk over a money thing, they would have made the money or "loss of earnings" right for him one way or another.
I probably would have called the kids bluff - but I understand why the Flyers got Drysdale. I would have much rather preferred getting a top 5 pick this summer or last summer and tearing down even more than they did last summer - but I doubt that option was feasible due to no one wanting to trade a top 5 pick? The MTL trade that MTL denied which Charlie threw out made a lot of sense to me, shame they couldn't pull something like that off.
Not talking to Jones, Briere, and Sharp while in Sweden is embarrassing behavior - especially after Cutter telling Danny (with Chuck) a year and half ago that he was "built to be a Flyer". You want to leave, that's fine - he has a right to not sign - but I don't like people who handle business like that.
This organization has lost the benefit of the doubt in pretty much every regard, but I just don't see how you can rip them on this occasion? You might not like how they handled the current roster or lineup decisions knowing he probably isn't in your plans after everything - but in terms of Cutter Gauthier, I don't know if they could have done anything else.