To a child maybe.It's very similar t
Did the London Police charge off on a half cocked crusade in the days following the events?
No they tipped off the accused and dropped the investigation like a hot potato when the complainant suspiciously recanted .
Has the prosecutor been on a massively public PR campaign, expressing his belief that the accused are guilty?
No. Who's the prosecutor?
Were the names of the accused released in the days/weeks immediately proceeding the event?
No. It's 6 years later and the names haven't been released
Has the prosecutor/police put their thumb on the scale via blatant poor practice to help the victim/accuser identify the accused? Is there any doubt that the sexual acts took place, if so, who did them?
Has the prosecutor tampered with/ solicited the tampering of evidence?
Unknown- are you making that charge?
Do you think the prosecutor is going to be disbarred and charged for unethical conduct in a clear witch hunt?
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