the CBC:
So yeah, earlier in the thread there was discussion about arrests. This addresses that particular issue.
The main issue will revolve around consent, something which posters here should fully understand, but sadly many many of the posters here clearly have no clue:
Clearly there is a mountain of evidence available ranging from the statement of claim, the words of former Hockey Canada executives/rape enablers who acknowledged EM had been harmed, police warrants, and damning snippets of videos:
"Say it."
Or get beaten to death with golf clubs.
Hint: that's not consent.
This case goes beyond charges of a gang rape. The London Police effed up royally:
I don't think anything about how this was handled prior to Westhead getting involved can remotely be described as "at best". Which is both frightening and disgusting.
And as part of the rape enabling handbook, both Hockey Canada and the NHL continue to resort to non-transparency to their fullest extent:
As I indicated earlier, any improvements will be made despite those two institutions. They are part of the problem, not part of any solution.
TL,DR? don't worry,
there's more to make your stomach turn.