The point - not in the context of this case, but just as it relates to receiving explicit consent - is that while you should absolutely know if something crosses the line, there still have existed cases where nothing did cross any line, adults had consensual sex and then allegations were leveled anyway after the fact. Without explicit consent, anyone can accuse you and it becomes he says/she says. I know that in this scenario that’s not really something that is in question, but as it related to the other poster suggesting that documenting consent was suspicious itself, the reality is that in 2024 it behoves most single athletes, entertainers and celebrities to do so. Really everyone, but no one was sleeping with me in my late 20s and then realizing I had $380 in my bank account that they could get a cut of. Again, I am not applying that to this specific situation nor calling any genuine victims anything other than victims. It is documented and has been seen many times however where the accuser ended up being a liar. Not this case. Just as it relates to my statement about successful young athletes and why gaining consent shouldn’t be an indication of guilt itself.