None of the kids at this event were minors, and the only two who weren't of age to drink in Ontario were Robert Thomas and Formenton, but both were legally adults at the time. The entire team outside those 2 would be entering 3rd year University in Ontario, and the other 2 would be entering 2nd year.We're not talking about a traditional boss. How many times in your past did your "boss" facilitate trips with free drinks, hotel rooms, and golf tournaments as an 18 year old? And yes, some of these kids were minors. So is Team Canada not responsible for counseling under age kids not to drink at an event that they are providing an open bar? Or do they just get to say "hey I'm only their boss - up to them what they do"?
And while on the subject of facilitation. If Hockey Canada had a huge pool of money set aside to specifically settle sexual assault cases, a team of lawyers at hand for the same purpose, and had a clear history of other Juniors getting into sexual assault problems.... is it still cool for them to say, "hey I'm just your boss and you don't want me deep inside your business like that. You do you, brah!"
Come on man. If you are coaching and managing a bunch of juniors, responsibility comes with the package. If not then Team Canada should go away. Which for many, is a very appealing prospect right now.
I'd also add, look into how the USNTDP handled Reid Boucher. The guy had sex with his billet's 12 year old daughter, and all they did was move him to a different billet family. This would have been buried if the girl didn't later decide to press charges.