PunchImlach is Alive
Registered User
You are posing a hypothetical that is frankly irrelevant to this specific case. I am not there. Of course I would try to stop that from happening and of course I would say something if I saw anyone in that scenario and I was present. This woman's father was not there. You are right in saying people should be concerned if they see that happening in front of them, which if there's 8 young athletes witnessing it, you'd hope it could be one of them or anyone witnessing it. But we know that's not always reality.If you saw your young daughter dead drunk, alone, walking into a hotel room with 8 young athletes, what are your thoughts? If you're not concerned that she might be walking right into a lion's den, i dunno what to tell you.
From what is accused, she went home alone with one person. Then other people showed up. Let's not assume the signs were obvious or that she's completely oblivious or she's never been told to watch out for things. Odds are pretty good that she's already experienced some form of harassment long before this took place.
You don't need to be dead drunk to be coerced into something. You can also be dead drunk if someone puts something in your drink. That can happen at any age. Predators try to find a way if they think they can get away with it. More often than not, you need to meet survivors who have been in those scenarios to even know those possibilities exist. The best thing a father can do is proactively make sure they are exposed to those stories but that's not a magic bullet that just stops it from ever happening to them.