Nice gains! (Well, loss)
If it works for you, its good, but the OMAD/IF/Keto/Nocarb isn't necessary at all, maybe your diet fatigue wouldn't be there if you had something this drastic.
Ive just exited a cut myself, 8 weeks long, dropped about 15 pounds from 225 and Im now much, much leaner (Veins popping in shoulders, arms, quads, lower abdomen.) and I achieved all this eating basically IIFYM, following what the guys at RP are doing, pretty much. (Dr Israetel).
I ate this everyday
BF burrito (3 eggs, 2 no fat cheese, one tortilla) with OJ
2 scoops or whey with a portion of fruit of choice
1 cheeseburger with 200g of lean ground beef+no fat singles// or rice and peas+chicken
Oatmeal+pumpkin seeds or some kind of cereals+protein milk (natrel) (mini wheats, yum)
french toasts+skyr yogurt (went crazy and fitted in banana flavored yogurt, game changer.)
I added in so much carb, and my energy was so much better after doing low-carb BS for so long. Carbs isn't the enemy anymore.
Initially, the motivation was to drop a lot of weight for both addressing a fatty liver issue as well as losing some bulk before my cruise in March. While I did the fasting and keto as well as the extreme uptake in cardio, main thing was actually cutting out a lot of processed foods and snacks I did used to consume in excess.
I did follow some guidelines from my doctor, but as somebody inexperienced, I would agree I probably went too much too fast.
While no expert today, I did learn a lot of lessons and slowly adapting my nutrition and workout routine so that I can work towards my goals. I'm in my 50's so the days of 10% body fat and a Thor physique aren't going to happen, nor am I aiming for that.
In short, the drastic measures I took first 90-150 days of the year are behind me now and I'm trying to do something more sustainable.
My own anecdotal experience tells me there is no way I could do HIIT for any sustained amount of time while doing keto. I’ve done Keto in the past and after two weeks tops my workouts suffer tremendously. I need those carbs. Intermittent fasting will always be a part of my diet. It just works for me.
You’ve done some serious work bro and you’ve made huge progress. Keep at it. I started 4 months later than you. I was 197lb at the beginning of my journey. I want to be 165-170lbs.
Two months in and I’m 185 ish. I’ve never felt better, I love hearing about the progress people are making. Keep up the good work, it is amazing what one can do in a short period of time.
I believe the changes I have made are permanent and easy to follow. I don’t restrict any foods at all, I reduce the junk and pay for my poor decisions by running kms. I like to have a few beers a couple nights a week and that will never change, so I add those kms into my runs.
Good to hear for you as well. I only limits I personally have is limit the refined carbs and sugars which so far has been easy for me to sustain. I never had a sweet tooth to begin with, so donuts, cookies and so on were no big deal for me.
Rather than talking restrictions though, what I have greatly increased my intake on are salads. I hardly ever ate salads before. I've always eaten veggies, albeit cooked, but raw veggies were never a consistent thing in my diet. I have also increased my fish intake. I never restricted fish, but I never went out of my way to cook it. It's now something I try to get in twice a week.
As for the keto and working out, I was actually ok. I always managed to complete my cycling HIIT without much issue and even my weight training was ok. But yeah, I did have days where I just couldn't lift anything until I ate lunch (I used to train fasted).
I think once you got into cutting certain fruits, you're entering the unhealthy behavioral side. When you're passing up watermelon cubes because of sugar's too extreme. Glad to see you're back eating whatever fruits.
Yeah, I kinda limited myself to some berries and maybe half of an apple/orange/.whatever any given time. I did eat a crap load of vegetables but fruit less so.
That said, all fruits are back on the menu. Recently, I've started to really eat a lot of kiwi.