Hey guys, looking for some advice.
I have been following a progressive overload program for a while now. Focused on 5 main lifts - squat, bench press, deadlift, bent over row, overhead press. Workouts alternate these lifts with squats every workout. Progressive overload so I up it 5 lbs per left every day I also do chinups, curls, push-ups, skullcrushers every workout as well, but not increasing weight every workout. Main lifts I do 5x5 and auxiliary work I do 3x8 or 3x10.
Typically what happens is I either get hurt and have to deload, or I hit a milestone like 3 plate squat, or 4 plate DL and I deload a bit because my form breaks down.
But I feel like I've plateaued a bit. Not really seeing any major changes in terms of strength or physique.
What should I do to change things up? My form is still not where I'd like it to be which is why I keep deloading (and the fact that I keep hurting myself is further evidence of bad form).
I have watched so many YouTube videos, etc... but I still feel like my form is holding me back.
Should I slow down the overload? Or maybe 5x5 is not working for me? I don't feel challenged until the 4th or 5th set. I am also starting to get bored. The only lifts I am enjoying now are squats, DL and bench.
Any suggestions for changing things up?