Registered User
Call them "reasons" if you want, it doesn't make a difference to me. People have been calling me a 'doom and gloomer' for months, and now that I'm worried (and pissed) that this team my miss the playoffs, I'm overreacting.
And when it comes to meaningful discussions, I'll take actual criticisms over pumping the team's tires every time. Criticism is how you improve.
Criticism is how you improve if the "you" needing improvement and the "you" hearing the criticism are the the same person. In this case, they're not. Us talking on this board doesn't alter the team a bit, for better or for worse, no matter what we say.
You can be whatever you want and think whatever you want of the team. I totally understand that different fans watch for different reasons and come to the games with different expectations. That's fine.
I just think it's silly to say that this place is full of excuses, when in reality it is the exact opposite. This place is overflowing with criticism.