100% agree with you.
Want some more that's creeping in from the US?
stanza for period
disc for puck
wall for boards. Still waiting for 2 minutes for walling
and cage for net.
Ummm...no. These are colloquialisms. Nicknames for things that you say because saying the same thing a million times becomes boring. They are in no way American terms brought into the game (though the NHL did try that a few years ago when they announced games won in OT or shootouts would be called "skate offs" to mimic baseball's "walkoff"). We see how well that turned out.

As for boxscore, the poster may be mixing it up with linescore, which is unique to baseball. Boxscore just refers to a score in a box, and hockey has those. Game summary, as far as I'm aware, is just a more detailed version of the events.