From that article:
What a contrast that is with Abrams' mystery boxes. Abrams fills his films with mysteries, like who Rey's parents are, that we expect answers to at some point and, some times, can even guess what those answers will be. If Lucas had done this with Luke and had us anticipating learning who his father was, some people might've guessed Vader, and even those who didn't wouldn't have been genuinely surprised because they would've expected something surprising. It's like how Star Trek Into Darkness builds up the suspense of the villain's identity until we're expecting it to be someone familiar. Abrams doesn't seem to realize that the best way to surprise audiences is to give them no clue that the surprise is coming.
I've said before that I really didn't need to see a young Yoda jumping around like a cricket with a lightsaber. The mystery of how an old, slow-moving creature could've possibly been a great warrior was better when it was just a mystery. That was one hole that didn't need filling, IMO.
Totally agree. The simplicity of the original movies are somehow superior to all the new ones, won't try to explain it.
But, all the Disney movies are really good, too much gimmicks such as the overdone foreshadowing etc, but overall very good - Disney doesn't make bad films from cartoons to whatever they spare no expense don't cut corners, everything as perfect as they can do it.
I think the thing I dislike most from the old originals to the new, is the blatant way they targeted the young teen and child audiences as well as targeted all minorities etc - obviously Disney targets whatever market will make them the most money, but still it's too blatantly obvious for my liking.
The old originals I watched as a child and never thought it wasn't a grown ups movie, but now with teenagers saving the universe all the time and sword fights always being like the Matrix, I can't help but lose a little interest wishing more realistic even though Star Wars is fantasy by definition.
Regarding the different minority races, they were all good actors and played their roles superbly, but it's just so blatantly obvious that they type cast the movies to make each one as multi-ethnic as possible - I like Donnie Yen and Jiang Wen and grew up watching them and they were awesome in Rogue One, but it's just weird seeing all these Yentals I guess and others speaking broken English or heavy accented English in Start Wars.
I guess there has to be an explanation why English became the universal language, but since it did why do so many speak it badly? Did other earth languages like Chinese and Arabic survive too?
Anyways, Disney does great work regardless of little criticisms, but I still prefer the original movie where people stayed dead unlike the emperor - and things were more realistic.