Elaborate on how RJ made the IP fit his vision, please.
Luke Skywalker.… I mean it doesn’t really need to be elaborated on, but you’d ask me to so
Luke’s 3 film character arc was disregarded, he becomes a Jedi when he gains control over his impulses putting down his weapon in ROTJ
In the TLJ he goes to kill his nephew because he had bad thoughts, the guy who believed Vader could be redeemed ignites his weapon on a sleeping child. It’s described as a fleeting moment, but he literally armed himself entered Kyle’s room and ignited the sabre. That’s not fleeting there’s thought involved.
After this(timeline wise) he went searching for the first Jedi temple(TFA states this), which is a very Luke thing to do, something goes wrong he learns and goes again.
But then when we see him he has given up on himself and said the Jedi need to end. With no explanation, and unanswered questions?
Why was he searching for the temple?
If the Jedi needed to end why did he keep the texts?
Why leave a map to his location if he was going to refuse to do anything?
Now you as an individual may like RJ’s decisions, but they categorically do not fit the established character of Luke Skywalker, and when you have the person who played him say that it’s not something you can debate.
If we move away from Luke onto general things:
Light speed tracking (without planting trackers, which led us to light speed skipping a complete abomination)
Light speed kamikaze (makes the OT pretty dumb they could have done it to the Death Star)
Physically transferring matter from one location to another through the force (JJ made this far far worse)
But the actors can probably shed more light onto it
Mark Hamill - I said to Rian, ‘Jedi’s don’t give up’
Daisy Ridley - ‘Rian didn’t keep anything from the first draft of the Episode 8 scripts, ‘ultimately RJ is a film maker, and one person can’t dictate how a film is supposed to be - but freedom of expression sure’
Sam Witwer (Maul) - ‘you have to know Star Wars to reinvent star wars’
John Boyega - would take too long, but he’s not been shy about his feelings.
Anthony Daniels also wasn’t a fan, the guy who played ackbar talked about how disrespectful they had been to him on set.
Now I like RJ as a director, and if this was a stand alone movie it wouldn’t be viewed with anywhere near the level of disdain it gets(excluding the whole space casino side plot). But it wasn’t a stand alone movie, it was a sequel to 7 previous films.