Awwww hell nawwwww.
Literally EWWW to all of these.
But I wouldn’t mind a couple of them for the AHL to be the third string guy. Like Brossoit.
Problem is that all of them will get NHL deals.
Korpisalo last year is almost like if Blackwood had an up year. Go back and look at all the .8xx seasons he’s had. He’s had like 3 adequate seasons in the league out of 8 total.
Raanta is injury prone, old and burnt crispity.
Halak is even older and even more well-done than that steak you forgot about on the grill.
YUCK to literally all of these, other than Brossoit, because I think there’s a greater chance you can sign him for the AHL, but he did come off of season ending injury in the playoffs.
Korpisalo will get an NHL deal because of last year and likely too much.
Raanta probably will too, but he’s too old and injury prone.
Halak is just way too old and probably shouldn’t be in the league anymore.