This is immature and Mickey Mouse-ish and unbefitting of an original six franchise. Getting angry at the refs and calling something effing BS is one thing. Just yelling F you, you effing jerk off is childish. It’s amusing, but embarrassing and there is zero doubt in my mind he won’t get calls going his way acting like this.
I kinda agree with you.
But F it Quinn wouldn’t have been acting anyway like that if the refs were calling a fair game.
And for that reason, I loved it. Bc the refs do deserve it and more.
But I totally get what your saying.
My definition of what it means to be an orginal 6 franchise has nothing to do with what your relating it to though.
It’s an original 6 team, ok, doesn’t mean we have to carry ourselves to society’s accepted norms of what constitutes class.
Much rather it mean we are an organization that has a rich history, honors that history and the players who came before, a team that carries itself with a certain moral integrity and demands/expects the same, and plays the game in the true spirit of the game.
Just be an organization that does things the right way. We’re humans, the players are, the coach is. We have emotions. It’s an emotional game.
Emotional outbursts in professional sports are gonna happen. That’s part of what makes sports so great. The raw emotion.
Let the refs and league do their job and quit expecting coaches to swallow the truth. I know the leagues feels it makes everyone rich, so they need to deal with it, but these coaches put in so much time every freaking day.
To have to swallow it when these green young company boys who are protected and encouraged by the league to
Manage games, who put you in 4-0 holes 3 mins into a game in Tampa, or what happened in Edmonton the other night.
It’s ridiculous. I get some people really want to harp on Quinn’s reaction.
How about the cause and how rampant it is Every freaking game across the entire freaking league
Spade of spades