Players not included on the initial roster: Galvas, Prčík - Slavíček, Maštalířský, Židlický.
Only 6 D-men on the roster so far, it is probable that Galvas has some minor health issues which won't allow him to play tomorrow, or at least it isn't sure now that he would be able to play. Players can still be added up to 2 hours prior to the game. I was expecting Maštalířský instead of Redlich or Přikryl, but they probably made a good impression during the camp. Some people weren't expecting Hujer to be there, but I am OK with him. He is a solid bottom 6 power forward, tall, strong, not shy to play a physical game. We have quite a lot of shorter and not exactly physical players, both among the forwards and the defensemen, a few big, strong guys are always needed.