Not World Championships but the draft looks to be the best one since 2018 (11 players).... last 3 years have been around 7 or 8 guys.
We look to have 2 first rounders - Jiricek and Kulich.
Then we have Hamara and Sapo that will probably be 2nd round.
We have 3 goalies rated in Europe and 1 in NA - so I'll guess at least 2 get taken
That has us at 6
We have overagers Gut, Ivan and Malik who I think might go as well as overagers putting us at 9
Then we have a few other players that seem likely to be drafted... Moravec, Cech and Plos in Europe.
David Spacek is also rated around 55 and should also be drafter.
That puts us at 13 with 2 first rounders. Best draft in years assumign it goes as conveniently as I
That also leaves out guys like Hujer, Bechar and Marcel.
Feel free to quote this and laugh at me in June. I also have no idea why Benes isn't even considered or mentioned (I don't think he is underage but maybe that is it).
Dva měsíce před draftem vydalo Oddělení centrálního skautingu NHL finální žebříček talentů, kteří vyhlížejí první zásadní moment svých kariér. Objevilo se v něm i 27 českých mladíků ročníků 2003 a 2004.